


The association between the sense-organs and sense-objects is mind. It is a finer body within the gross body. The physical body is only the outer-crust of the mind whereas the mind is the finer part of it. Both affect each other. That is why physical illness often affects the mind while the mental tension affects the body in the same way. In fact, mind is all in all. Mind is the central organ and all the other parts of the body are just its serving branches. Mind rules whole body. Without mind, the body is just like non-living objects. Paradoxically, the mind can do nothing without a healthy body.

Matter and mind are differentiated on the basis of the rate of vibration. Mind is called matter at a low rate of vibration. On the other hand, matter is known as mind at a high rate of vibration. The vibration of mind can be experienced by practising Meditation. The same law of time and space governs both of mind and matter. Time and space pose no barrier in case of both mind and matter.

The mind is Omni-present. The mind influences everything in the universe. Each mind is connected with every other mind. The mind interacts with all other minds directly or indirectly. In this way, it is a part of universal mind and each mind can be in communication with whole world. In fact, nothing is out of reach of mind.

The mind can look back into itself. The mind can read itself. It can be analysed with its own help. It can conduct experiment with itself. We can observe what is going on in it. It can modify the course of its actions.

Usually, mind is marked into conscious and subconscious planes. Conscious and subconscious indicate different planes on which the mind works. All the work is normally accompanied by the feeling of egoism on the conscious plane whereas the feeling of egoism does not exist on the subconscious plane. The mind, in consciousness, exhibits lack of consideration for others in comparison to subconsciousness. The mind can still operate on a higher plane beyond relative consciousness. That plane may be identified as supreme of all. The consciousness is superior to sub-consciousness but it is subordinate to another plane, which is relatively above it. This plane is called the super-consciousness. The feeling of egoism is absent here also but it is different from that which exists at sub-conscious plane. Mind enters into super-consciousness when it passes beyond the plane of relative-consciousness. This progression is involuntary and no one can sense it when it happens. Mind discards lack of consideration for others in super-consciousness. It acquires its pure state and in a sense it is then identical with the soul. Mind and soul are alike in that state.

There are five common conditions of mind i.e. scattered, darkened, gathered, one-pointed and concentrated. Ordinarily mind manifests itself in darkened and scattered conditions. A person feels dull and passive in the darkened state while he feels restless in scattered state. Both darkened and scattered are negative conditions of mind. The mental health is at stake in these conditions. The mind can be said a diseased mind in these conditions. The person struggles to centre it in the gathered state. It can be called a healing condition. In the one-pointed state, he tries to concentrate it when it is applied to any sphere of activity, it shines in that. This is more difficult and struggling condition. The whole purpose of mind-control is to reach the one-pointed state. However, the one-pointed condition is not the ultimate target. The one-pointed condition paves the way for concentrated state of mind. Through the regular practice and development of it, the mind reaches the concentrated state paving the way for the attainment of super-consciousness. The concentrated state is not only difficult to reach but also difficult to sustain. The difficulties are created by our own mind, which we experience in controlling the mind.

The mind, being fickle, becomes out of control again and again and thus makes backward and forward movements. The mind can overcome this tendency when serious efforts are made. Therefore, the mind has to be controlled by the mind itself. The mind being a delicate thing should be handled carefully. Any negligence may cause turmoil rather than a cure. We have to depend on our own serious efforts for accomplishing the entire work of controlling the mind. Artificial means may be used for the time being but they do not serve the purpose for any length of time.

No short-cut and clever device may work in controlling the mind. Haste makes waste. A great patience is needed to accomplish it. The struggle should be carried out tolerantly without caring for the outcomes. The perfection of technique and practice always comes to the expectations.

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