


Air Position (Vayu Mudra) relates to the air element. It is great for the Vata (air) body types and reduces any constrictions in the body by reason of excess air in the body.

Starting Position: Keep your body calm and relaxed.

Method: To perform Air Position, Bend your index finger and press it with your thumb while keeping other fingers straight. Just fold the index finger, and press the second phalanx bone with the tip of the thumb, and the tip of the index finger should touch the base of the thumb. Press down on the index finger to your level of comfort; this gesture is intended to relax not strain the joint. Ensure that the remaining fingers remain straight and relaxed.

Benefits: When practiced regularly, Air Position helps eliminate excess gas/air related problems like gout, flatulence, and constipation. It helps in diseases like arthritis, neck pain, trembling in Parkinson’s disease, paralysis and cervical spondylitis. It also harmonizes our natural body energies, such as blinking, sneezing, yawning, hiccup and belching.

It reduces the air element of the body which controls the restlessness and nervousness, and it calms an uneasy mind. It controls the gas/air related problem (Vata dosha) and helps with Arthritis, gas problems, Sciatica, Gout, knee pain or bulging stomach; relaxes the muscles and overcharged endocrine glands. Above and beyond, it calms muscles and soothes a strained voice and many other problems.

Special Instruction: Practice it with Heart Energy Centre Meditation expertly for coordination.

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