


Space Position (Shunya Mudra) is a position of emptiness, which reduces the space element in the body.

Starting Position: Keep your body calm and relaxed.

Method: Sit comfortably and bend the middle finger in a way that it is kept at the base of the thumb. Then press the first phalanx bone of the middle finger with the tip of the thumb so that pressure is exerted, while the other three fingers are kept straight, stretched and relaxed.

Benefits: Space Position is used to improve intuition, alertness, and sensory powers. It also purifies your emotions and thoughts.

Practicing it on a regular basis can assist in reducing watering in your eyes as well as ear pain. It improves hearing, strengthens the bones, and reduces heart diseases and throat problems. It heals thyroid diseases and fortifies the gums. In addition, it also heals thyroid infections.

This position is quite calming and spiritually awakening. It increases the level of concentration, builds mental power and sharpens the brain. If it is done regularly, your mental and psychological disorders such as anger, stress, anxiety, depression and even insomnia can be improved considerably. Finally, it assists in meditation.

Special Instruction: Practice it with Brow Energy Centre Meditation accurately for bringing together.

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