
SUN POSITION (Surya Mudra)


Main element of Sun Position (Surya Mudra) is Fire. The fire element is associated with body-temperature and metabolism.

Starting Position: Keep your body calm and relaxed.

Method: Perform this position by bending your ring finger to the base of your thumb so that your thumb touches the ring finger’s knuckle. Fold the ring finger and touch the tip at the base of the thumb while the tip of the thumb presses the second phalanx bone of the ring finger and then exert some pressure to the thumb. Ensure that the other fingers remain straight and relaxed.

Benefits: Practice of Sun Position helps to maintain the body-temperature and keeps the metabolism going. This position is a very powerful arrangement with significant healing capacity.

It increases the fire element in the body and reduces the earth element that helps to maintain the temperature, improve the vision, and control weight and obesity. It helps dissolve excess fat in the body, reduce cholesterol, quickens digestion, boosts metabolism & immune system, controls low blood pressure and regulates the Thyroid Gland.

It is intended to increase the fire element in the body and improve metabolism and digestion. It is also useful in reducing heaviness in the body and to help ward off colds. It can help cure many other problems like loss of appetite, indigestion, shivering, cold, digestive problems, and coldness of limbs.

Special Instruction: Practice it with Solar Plexus Energy Centre Meditation smoothly for harmonization.


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