


The Spiritual symbol of Brow Energy Centre (Aaggya Chakra) is an indigo shaded Lotus with two petals. The Frequency of vibration of this Energy Centre is 96 per seconds and its main element is space.

Safety Measures: When the Brow Energy Centre has an imbalance, it can manifest as feeling stuck in the daily grind without being able to look beyond your problems and set a guiding vision for yourself. Overactive Brow Energy Centre without support from the rest of the Energy Centre systems may manifest as fantasies that appear more real than reality, indulgence in psychic fantasies and illusions, not being able to establish a vision for oneself and realize it, rejection of everything spiritual or beyond the usual, not being able to see the greater picture and lack of clarity.

With a blocked Brow Energy Centre, you become closed to new ideas and fall off the paths of your true destiny. If it becomes unbalanced, you may feel bombarded with your own thoughts, unable to process them effectively and may feel stuck in an emotional and intellectual rut.  You lose your sense of intuition, making your judgment clouded and causing you to make poor decisions. When out of balance, you have difficulty seeing the bigger picture and making decisions. You may have a closed mind and rigid opinions.

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced Third-eye Energy Centre are headaches and migraines, nightmares, seizures, neurological disorders, personality disorders and neuroses, learning difficulties, and hallucinations. Common physical symptoms of its imbalance are eye problems, glaucoma, ear problems and hearing difficulties, spinal conditions, and scalp/hair issues.

Method: Perform meditation on it as follows:

Step 1: Sit in Lotus pose (Padmasana) and relax your body.  

Step 2: Enter into Pranayama by practicing slow and deep breathing through nose. Simultaneously do Pratyahara by the practice of turning the mind to introspection by voluntarily shutting out distractions provided by the senses.

Step 3: Keep your hands on knees with palms upwards and fingers in Space Position (Shunya Mudra).

Step 4: Focus your vision at Brow Energy Centre (Aaggya Chakra). Concentrate at Pituitary gland by relaxing the region between the eye-brows. Keep your eyes shut, spine erect, body relaxed while breathing deeply. 

Perform at least one round of ten deep gentle breaths.

Benefits: Brow Energy Centre is holistic in nature. When this Energy Centre is fully activated, both hemispheres of the brain function in synchrony. The right hemisphere's creativity and synthetic thinking is integrated and balanced with left hemisphere's logical and analytical thinking. It is associated to the pineal gland in charge of regulating biorhythms, including sleep and wake time. It is a gland located in the brain that is a centre of attention because of its relationship with the perception and effect of light and altered or “mystical” states of consciousness. It’s positioned close to the optical nerves, and as such, sensitive to visual stimulations and changes in lighting.

The power of this Energy Centre allows you to experience clear thought as well as gifts of spiritual contemplation and self reflection. This Energy Centre allows you to access your inner guidance that comes from the depths of your being. It allows you to cut through illusion and to access deeper truths — to see beyond the mind, beyond the words. It is an instrument to perceive the more subtle qualities of reality. It goes beyond the more physical senses into the realm of subtle energies. Awakening your third eye allows you to open up to an intuitive sensibility and inner perception. Sustaining awareness of Brow Energy Centre might require focus and the ability to relax into a different way of seeing. When you focus your mind and consciousness, you can see beyond the distractions and illusions that stand before you and have more insight to live and create more deeply aligned with your highest good.

Balancing and opening the Brow Energy Centre promotes clarity, inspiration, and innovation. It allows you to follow your dreams and enhances your innate psychic abilities and spiritual connections.  A balanced Brow Energy Centre helps you process the timeline of your own lives, enabling you to learn from your past, be in present, and see and achieve your future.  Dream interpretation becomes easier, intuitions are stronger and clearer, and you feel a deeper connection to the universal plan of your lives. This sense of being guided opens up doors of possibilities to reaching your goals.

When it is in balance, a person feels calm, insightful, and self-aware. You may also experience psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, lucid dreaming, expanded imagination, and visualization. 

While practicing this Energy Centre‚ you also find all the benefits of Lotus pose. A Practitioner can actually feel the grounding happing in their physical body and their mental space. Meditation on Brow Energy Centre balances release of TSH, ACTH, LH and FSH Hormones. In addition to it, you are also benefited from Pranayama, Pratyahara and Space Position.

Final Position: Inhale a deep breath through nose and exhale it through mouth to come out of this stage. Take another similar breath and release it moving to next stage. Take one more similar breath before the start of next stage.

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