
CROWN ENERGY CENTRE (Sahastrara Chakra)


The Spiritual symbol of Crown Energy Centre (Sahastrara Chakra) is a purple or golden shaded Lotus With one thousand petals. Its Frequency of vibration is 960 per seconds and its main element is space.

Safety Measures: The Crown Energy Centre is one of the seven Energy Centres; the lower Energy Centres store and distribute psychological and mental tendencies that can be directed toward Brow Energy Centre (Agya Chakra) and then ultimately released at the Crown Energy Centre. The highest Energy Centre must be approached through the positive pole of the sixth Energy Centre known as the spiritual eye. To approach the Crown Energy Centre by any other way is unwise and perhaps dangerous. In other words, one must attain enlightenment before achieving liberation. 

If Crown Energy Centre becomes unbalanced, you feel unconnected spiritually and as though you are living without any direction or purpose.  If there are many physical ailments that seem to continually surface without a root trigger or cause, it is likely to be an out-of-balance Crown Energy Centre. As it affects the six energy systems below, and practically your entire being, a blocked Crown Energy Centre can lead to depression and nervous system disorders and feelings of being lost and incomplete.

Common psychological symptoms of an unbalanced Crown Energy Centre are depression, confusion, loss of faith, mentally disconnected, dementia, epilepsy, schizophrenia. Common physical symptoms of its imbalance are light sensitivity, headaches, autoimmune disorders and neurological disorders. 

Method: Perform meditation on it as follows:

Step 1: Sit in Lotus pose (Padmasana) and relax your body.  

Step 2: Enter into Pranayama by practicing slow and deep breathing through nose. Simultaneously do Pratyahara by the practice of turning the mind to introspection by voluntarily shutting out distractions provided by the senses.

Step 3: Keep your hands on knees with palms upwards and fingers in Wisdom Position (Jnan Mudra).

Step 4: Focus your vision at Crown Energy Centre (Sahastrar Chakra). Concentrate at Pineal gland by relaxing the top of head. Keep your eyes shut, spine erect, body relaxed while breathing deeply. 

Perform at least one round of ten deep gentle breaths.

Benefits: Crown Energy Centre is associated with God, spirituality, divine wisdom, enlightening, and connection to the universe, imagination, awareness, and optimism. Energy entering and leaving it facilitates your flow of positive energy with the other six Energy Centres, and creates the outlook you hold on life. 

The Crown Energy Centre represents the soul in its aspect of Perfect Being. It is the seat of liberation for enlightened beings. As the goal of yoga practices is the super conscious union of the ego with the divine self, the Crown Energy Centre is the point at which the soul dissolves ego consciousness. The union may be experienced as merging with a calm inner light. In the light, one can expand one’s consciousness to infinity. The soul lets go of its delusion of being separate from the light and thus becomes the universe. 

The awakening of the Crown Energy Centre means revelation of Divine Splendour and attainment of Supreme Consciousness. Just as night disappears with the rising of the Sun, ignorance fades with the awakening of the Crown Chakra. It represents the goal of Yoga, Self-Realisation, where the individual soul unites with Cosmic Consciousness. In the Crown Energy Centre, a thousand-petalled Lotus blooms as a symbol of complete, unfolding consciousness. At the centre, all the rays of the brain radiate outward so that the soul is finally united with God. The rays keep the physical body nourished with energy. 

Meditation on Crown Energy Centre balances release of Hormones relating to Intuitive and extra-sensory power. Diseases of the Pineal gland and the brain, which manifest as physical and psychological ailments can be attributed to a malfunctioning Crown Energy Centre. The Pineal gland is connected with the ageing and anti-ageing process, and the Crown Energy Centre controls and energizes the Pineal gland. It affects the health of your brains and therefore your entire mental, physical, and spiritual health too.

While practicing this Energy Centre‚ you also dig up all the benefits of Lotus pose. It helps ground the body and mind spiritually, physically and energetically. In addition to it, you are benefited from Pranayama, Pratyahara and Wisdom Position.

Final Position: Inhale a deep breath through nose and exhale it through mouth to come out of this stage. Take another similar breath and release it moving to next stage. Take one more similar breath before the start of next stage.


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