
SACRAL ENERGY CENTRE (Swadhisthana Chakra)

The Spiritual symbol of Sacral Energy Centre (Swadhisthana Chakra) is an orange shaded Lotus with six petals. The Frequency of vibration of this Chakra is 6 per seconds and its main element is water. It is the centre of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection. It is the basis of a strong opinion of you.

Safety Measures: Imbalance in the Sacral Energy Centre can manifest into low confidence, lack of motivation, inability to create intimate connections with others, lack of interest in self expression or artistic abilities, infertility, urinary problems, difficulties giving birth, producing orgasms and a low libido. Therefore, if it is unbalanced, it can lead to addictions of drugs, sex, gambling and money. In distress, it can form abusive and controlling relationships. Also it causes bullying in the workplace, fear of abandonment, and loss of financial and creative power. Mentally, blocked sacral energy can be associated with addiction, repressed emotions, and lack of creative energy.

Many illnesses that can originate from this energy centre are manifested through fear of losing control in the relationships you have built with others and even with your connection to physical things such as business deals or projects you have become closely attached to.

When it is out of alignment, you may experience chronic low back pain, ovarian cysts and other reproductive issues, urinary tract infections, impotence, complications with the bladder and kidneys, pain during intercourse, and other pelvic–lower abdominal issues.

Common psychological symptoms of a balanced Sacral Energy Centre are no eating disorder, no addiction, no dependency issue, high self-confidence and balanced emotions. Common physical symptoms of a balanced Sacral Energy Centre are absence of kidney problems and urinary tract infections, no chronic lower back pain, no sexual disorders, and healthy intestines, spleen, and gallbladder.

Method: Perform meditation on it as follows:

Step 1: Sit in Lotus pose (Padmasana) and relax your body.  

Step 2: Enter into Pranayama by practicing slow and deep breathing through nose. Simultaneously do Pratyahara by the practice of turning the mind to introspection by voluntarily shutting out distractions provided by the senses.

Step 3: Keep your hands on knees with palms upwards and fingers in Water Position (Vrun Mudra).

Step 4: Focus your vision at Sacral Energy Centre (Swadhisthana Chakra). Concentrate at Adrenal glands by relaxing the base of Spine above kidneys. Keep your eyes shut, spine erect, body relaxed while breathing deeply. 

Perform at least one round of ten deep gentle breaths.

Benefits: When the Sacral Energy Centre is in healthy alignment, you will be able to source energy for creativity, movement, procreation, desire, pleasure, and relationships. Being creative in nature, its main focus is allowing you to discover what you enjoy, to form hobbies, create loving and exciting relationships, and even creativity in lovemaking and sexual eroticism. Sexually, this is the pleasure energy centre that essentially turns you on and is deeply connected to your partnerships with others. Sexual eroticism is a form of physical and emotional freedom as well as spiritual liberation because it is about being in the moment so you can let go of your fears and boundaries to enjoy the bountiful happiness of the human experience.

The power of this energy centre allows you to let go and to feel change and transformation occurring within your body. It allows you to experience this moment as it is, in its own fullness. It is centred on personal identity in the external world and how it responds to the seductive forces of the physical world. It is the foundation of a healthy ego that allows you to interact with the world without pretending to be someone you are not. If truth be told, a person with a strong Sacral Energy Centre can survive financially and physically on his or her own and bond with others to form harmonious friendships.

It is all about having the power to realize and utilize your talent to express the life you want to lead. It correlates to physical things that you find pleasure in such as painting, gardening etc. A balanced Sacral Energy Centre has the ability to take risks and have the resilience to recover when things go wrong.

While practicing this Energy Centre‚ you also secure benefits of Lotus pose. Meditation on Sacral Energy Centre balances release of Gluco-Corticoids, Mineralo-corticoids, Adrenaline and Non-adrenaline Hormones. It calms the brain as well as increases awareness and attentiveness. In addition to it, you are benefited from Pranayama, Pratyahara and Water Position.

Final Position: Inhale a deep breath through nose and exhale it through mouth to come out of this stage. Take another similar breath and release it moving to next stage. Take one more similar breath before the start of next stage.

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