


When it comes to prayer, there is no "hidden secret." God is always with you and ready to listen. There are many ways to pray:

  Use words - think, speak or sing them,

  Say "Amen" to someone else's prayer,

  Give your feelings to God,

  Do something prayerful,

  Be quiet with God – on your own or with others.

You are destined to live a successful life. God has great plans for you. He has left a legacy of abundance for you to enjoy. But the will of God is not automatic. You have to play your part. If you're ready to experience 100 percent success in prayer, here are seven steps to prayer as follows that will bring results:

Step 1: Base your prayers on god’s word

This is the assurance you have when you draw near to God: if you ask anything according to His will, He will hear you. The key to seeing the results, God wants you to achieve through prayer is not just shooting random arrows into the air in the hope that something might happen. If you want to hit the bull's-eye every time you pray, your prayers must be based on the Word of God. So the first step to prayers that bring results is to find the promise or promises that fit your situation in the Word of God. Then, shoot the prayer boldly and confidently. When you focus on the answer, it will activate your faith.

Step 2: Submerge your prayers in faith

Once you begin to pray based on the Word of God, the next step to effective prayer is to immerse your prayers in faith. This means you don't wait for the manifestation to believe what you get - that's not faith! It may seem difficult at first, but as you practice the application of your faith, it will become a way of life for you. Here are some quick tips on how to add faith to your prayers:

   Believe that you receive when you pray: God's Word is always true. If He says it's done, it's done. So, when you pray, start moving yourself from believing ‘He can’ to knowing ‘He will’.

   Speak it: Begin your confession of faith before you see the manifestation of answers to your prayers. Then hold fast to your confession without hesitation. Don't talk faith today and doubt the next day. Hold on tightly; do not let go; and no matter how tempting it might be, speak the Word only of your situation.

   Act on it: Every single time you act in faith with that kind of stubborn determination in the Word of God, you will always come out victorious.

Step 3: Stop fear in its tracks

Satan is a master trickster. But since he has no real power, he has to rely on the same old tactics. The main thing is fear. Fear is exhausting. It will interfere with your faith in the Word of God, prevent you from receiving, and deprive you of the blessing. But Satan is wrong 100% of the time. If you want to see results in your prayer, fear and doubt should no longer be part of your vocabulary. You don't always have to say everything you think! And you certainly don't have to say things that you don't mean. Clean up your vocabulary and start speaking the Word of God. Don't let doubt and fear enter your mind.

Step 4: See yourself succeeding

Part of having faith for prayer that brings results is seeing how you succeed and master what you believe in. This means that you see it with your spiritual eyes. When you can truly see it, not just in your mind but deep in your spirit, it will become a reality for you—as real as a natural manifestation. This is the kind of prayer with faith that brings results. Without revelation, there is no restoration. To see your success, you need to avoid places, people and situations that speak of failure. You can't be around people who talk about failure all the time. In the end, it will come down to you. Decide right now to be successful. Plan for success, plan for victory, and plan for everything that you believe in. Expand your faith as far as possible. "I can't" shouldn't be in your vocabulary.

Step 5: Testify that your prayer is answered

Your testimony is a powerful tool in your prayer life. When you testify of answered prayer, you accomplish two things:

  You claim what is rightfully yours. You have an enemy who wants to steal, kill and destroy your rights. When you testify to your right, this begins to happen in your life.

  Your testimony of faith will encourage others and help strengthen their faith.

Step 6: Get involved by helping someone else

Faith works by love. In other words, if you want your faith to be at a level that will bear fruit in your prayer life, you must express that faith through love for others. Your faith is strengthened when you reach out to others. So if you stand and believe in something in prayer, help someone else. Tell someone else what God has done for you. When you do, all your problems will seem to fold up and roll away. True prosperity is the ability to use the power of God to meet the needs of mankind in all areas of life.

Step 7: Get on the giving end

If you want to be the receiving end of prayer that brings results, start by joining the giving end. If you need healing, pray for someone else to be healed. The way you measure out is how it will be measured back. If you need more time, give away what little you have and ask God to redeem it for you - He will return it in abundance. Walk in the light you have and God will give you more. God is looking for someone He can use to become a channel of His blessings. You can become a rich blessing of giving, not just receiving. If you’ll take the receiving end off your mind, and focus on giving, you’ll be in position for answered prayer.

In conclusion, when you decide to take these seven steps, your prayers will bring results every time. You no longer have to struggle in your prayer room.

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