


Life Force Position (Prana Mudra) symbolizes energy or spirit of life and put you more in tune with the life force (prana) around you.

Starting Position: Keep your body calm and relaxed.

Method: Perform this position by touching your ring finger and pinky finger to the tip of your thumb gently, while keeping the other two fingers straight and stretched.

Benefits: Life Force Position provides energy and health. It improves eyesight, increases the body resistance to diseases, reduces deficiency of vitamins, and removes tiredness. Additionally, it reduces hunger pangs during fasting and gives you a good night’s sleep. It also stimulates the entire human body, energizes it and puts the internal organs in motion.

You are all aware of the fact that toxins are very harmful to the body. Whenever you eat food, some part of it remains undigested and this causes toxins formation. It is very important to detoxify the body. This position saves from probable toxins by proper detoxification.

This position can be used whenever you feel drained or tired, and need an extra boost of energy. It cleanses your aura due to its innate ability to control the subtle energies of your aura. It is considered beneficial for all types of diseases and is also said to impart special power to the eyes.

It is said to be one of the most important positions due to its ability to activate dormant energy in your body. It is the vital life force within all living things.

Special Instruction: Practice it with Throat Energy Centre Meditation proficiently for synchronization.

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