

Its Sanskrit name is Swadhisthana i.e. sweetness. Swadhisthana Chakra is also called sacral chakra. Its counterparts are adrenal glands or suprarenal glands (Two). It is located at the base of spine above kidneys between the anus and genitals. Its associated body parts are bones, skeletal structure, adrenals, kidneys, large intestine, teeth, adrenal glands, the urinary system, External genital organs, muscular- skeletal system, colon & legs, sense organs.

Its symbol is an orange shaded lotus with six petals. This chakra has six petals and a moon crescent. The element of this chakra is water and is associated to the moon our lord. Citrine crystal is embedded into the symbol and the petals have been used, which connected with this chakra. Citrine is a lovely crystal and never needs cleaning. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy. It has the ability to cleanse the chakras. Other crystals associated with this chakra are carnelian and golden topaz. Its inner state is feelings and outer state liquid. Its colour is orange. Its trait (guna) is Tamas. Its ruling planet is Pluto + Moon. Its associated metal is tin. Its incenses are orris root, gardenia, damiana, jasmine, rose and sandalwood. Its crystals orange stones are citrine, carnelian and golden topaz. Its frequency of vibration is six per second.

Its glandular connections are adrenals, kidneys, bladder, the vertebral column, hips, legs and feet. Adrenal glands regulate the fire element of the body, controls liver and gall bladder. Adrenal glands assist in the creation of biles and digestive juices. Proper functioning of adrenal glands leads to qualities like keenness of perception, untiring activity, the drive to action, inner energy and courage. Its disorder forces a person to abuse his natural vigour to satisfy his lust. A sense of vain glory, restlessness and impatience etc. overcomes him.  He becomes fearful and loses vigour to face the problems of life. Generally, he is unable to control his diet. Consequently, he suffers from stomach problems and hypertension. Adrenal glands produce a number of hormones like gluco-corticoids which control glucose-metabolism, mineralo-corticoids which control electrolyte balance and stress hormones like adrenaline and non-adrenaline which help us to cope with acute stress. It controls the urinary system, external genital organs, muscular-skeletal system and legs. Its under-working leads to dullness, timidity, less energy and less oxygenation, and its over working leads to high blood pressure, migraine, headache, acidity and vomiting.  Its balanced energy is centred, grounded, healthy and fully alive. Unlimited physical energy can manifest abundance. Its excessive energy is egoistic, domineering, greedy, sadistic, sexual energy and entirely genital. Its emotional dysfunctions are mental lethargy, unfocused mind, incapablity of stillness, difficulty in achieving goals and lack of confidence. Its physical dysfunctions are osteoarthritis, constipation, diarrhoea, piles, colitis, cold fingers and toes, frequency of urination, hypertension, kidney stones, impotence and hip problems.

Some people anoint jasmine, musk and hibiscus myrrh though not through pregnancy above genitals or above womb in sacral chakra with a single drop making sure that the oils are diluted well in the ratio of three drops of essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil. Myrrh oil is avoided as it is an irritant to sensitive parts.

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