The Spiritual symbol of Throat
Energy Centre (Vishudha Chakra) is a Blue shaded Lotus with sixteen petals. The Frequency of vibration of this Energy
Centre is 16 per seconds and its
main elements are space and air.
Safety Measures: The Throat Energy Centre connects you to your ability to express yourselves, therefore creating
a number of issues if this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, particularly from
subconscious attitudes or feelings becoming trapped and unable to
surface. Severe trauma can cause this Energy Centre to close, making it very difficult to express
emotion. If it becomes unbalanced, you may feel that you are unable to
communicate verbally, physically, and emotionally.
Common psychological symptoms
of an unbalanced Throat Energy Centre are nervousness, anxiety, fear, attention deficit
disorders, poor coping skills, feeling isolated. Common physical symptoms of an unbalanced
Throat Energy Centre are problems with the nasal area, irritated sinuses, sore throat, jaw
pain, voice loss, thyroid problems, teeth and gum problems, and ailments of
When the
Throat Energy Centre is out of alignment, you may feel like you don’t know how
to ask for what you need and feel unable to shape the world you want to create.
Poor communication is the result of it.
Method: Perform meditation on it as
Step 1: Sit in Lotus pose (Padmasana) and relax your body.
Step 2: Enter into Pranayama by
practicing slow and deep breathing through nose. Simultaneously do Pratyahara by the practice of turning the mind to introspection by
voluntarily shutting out distractions provided by the senses.
Step 3: Keep your hands on knees with
palms upwards and fingers in Life Force Position.
Step 4:
Focus your vision at Throat Energy Centre. Concentrate at Thyroid gland and
Parathyroid glands by relaxing the base of throat. Keep your eyes shut, spine
erect, body relaxed while breathing deeply.
Perform at least one round of ten deep
gentle breaths.
Benefits: The Throat Energy Centre
bridges the heart and the mind. When that space is clear, it integrates the
wisdom of both, allowing profound spiritual truths to flow freely. You will be
able to effectively communicate your needs, desires, creative ideas,
boundaries, empathy, and love.
is the purification point of the body and the centre of knowledge, wisdom,
willpower, truth, power of choice and ability to effectively communicate. It is
from this centre of will that you express your needs and desires, your
creativity, and your power of choice. It is primarily linked with
communication, has the lesson of self-expression and the power of choice. It is
associated with your voice. It relates to your ability to speak the truth,
express ideas clearly, truthfully, and gracefully, and it becomes harmoniously
attuned to both inner and outer vibrations.
While practicing this
Energy Centre‚ you also acquire all the benefits of Lotus pose. It is
described as the awareness being directed toward the spine and higher centres
of the body. Meditation on Throat Energy Centre
balances release of Thyroxine and Tri-iodo-thyronine Hormones. In addition to it, you
are also benefited from Pranayama, Pratyahara and Life Force Position.
Position: Inhale a deep breath through nose and exhale it through mouth to come
out of this stage. Take another similar breath and release it moving to next
stage. Take one more similar breath before the start of next stage.
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