

Handful of Flowers Position (Pushpaputa Mudra)

Handful of Flowers Position (Pushpaputa Mudra) refers to the offering of flowers to God in this position. Its main element is water.

Starting Position: Keep your body calm and relaxed.

Method: To perform the position, join both hands by bringing the little fingers together. Keep your palms flat with fingers together; bend your fingers slightly to make the shape of a bowl. Bring the outer edges of both of your hands to touch. The palms should be facing upwards and should be slightly hollow. As you hold it, imagine that you are inhaling and taking the light into your heart via your hands. As you exhale, offer the light of your heart to the world.

Benefits: Handful of Flowers Position symbolizes openness of mind and soul. This position is a gesture of offering with open heart and of acceptance. When you come into this position, reiki (universal life force) starts entering into your body. Practicing the position makes one receptive and accepting with gratitude what the universe has to offer. It signifies the practitioners offering their open heart and welcoming whatever may come in return.

It is the most effective and efficient way to increase your physiological, physical, and mental health. It collects the waters of purification from the spiritual realm to cleanse your mind. It promotes compassion toward others. It opens up the mind to be receptive of blessings of the universe. It promotes inner spaciousness that helps to overcome fear. It relieves negative feelings and promotes positive attitude.

You can hardly avoid the negative feelings that occasionally arise within you, but you can also come to terms with them and transform them at any time. This is part of the maturation process. Only with open hands can you enrich the world, and only with an open mind and open soul can you receive what cosmic consciousness gives to you.

Special Instruction: Practice it with Near Focus (Nikat Tratka) Meditation  expertly for coordination.


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