

In the initial stage, the control of thought means development of the capacity both to think good thoughts deliberately and to refrain from thinking bad ones. At this stage, the practice of the control of thought is forced on the mind. The mind has to work under pressure and tension. On the other hand, in its highest stage, it means a complete cessation of thought. At this stage, the control of thought is a self-perpetuating process. The mind works without any restraint. This stage can be attained when we cease to identify ourselves with the ego. The one-pointed state of mind paves the way for this stage. In other words, when purity of mind is attained, this stage comes of itself. Strangely enough, the purity of mind is secured only when the struggle to control the thought is made unceasingly.

We need to calm down the powerful inimical waves which have arisen in the mind. For this purpose, we have to make a struggle to control ‘darkened’ and ‘scattered state’ of mind. In order to counteract it, the more powerful explosion of helpful thoughts is affected. These thoughts boost up the influence of mind in the most positive way.  We should not be over-zealous to attain cessation of thought rather we have better to keep the mind filled with holy thoughts as much as possible because it will purify the mind which, in turn, breeds cessation of thoughts without much struggle. The holy thoughts remove conflicts and establish peace. As such, the mind becomes pure in the absence of any agitation. As a result, the control of thought takes place simultaneously exclusive of any great effort. Though this explanation appears easier in theory yet it is difficult in real practice.

We have to face inner difficulties when we try to control our mind seriously. Our own mind creates the unpredicted difficulties in course of our struggle. The more is the persistence, the greater may become our difficulties. It works on the Newton’s third law of gravity “To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. We confront the opposing forces of our subconscious mind in the event of trying to control our thoughts deliberately. These forces raise the most inimical wave which frustrates us every now and then and we may be forced to give up in the way. These opposing forces are our past impression and tendencies. Usually, these forces remain dormant. They suddenly erupt in protest when we try to purify the mind. Their inconsistency with the thoughts of the conscious mind causes conflict. This conflict, in turn, causes an unmanageable confusion as the mind becomes progressively disturbed. One of the ways of clearing it is to pour holy thoughts into our mind and allow them to settle within ourselves. It is easier to say than done because already established inimical opposing thoughts do not let the holy thoughts settle in the mind. However, the success is possible, if we make efforts endlessly. At last, we can replace the opposing thoughts with the most favourable holy thoughts. Consequently, there will be a time when holy thoughts start coming out of mind, if we persist in pouring them initially. The subconscious mind can be presumed to be clear and the control of our conscious mind will be easier then. The subconscious mind is more powerful on account of the absence of egoism.

The conscious mind, being plagued with egoism, is comparatively less powerful and it becomes easier to be controlled with the force of sub-conscious mind. The important work needs to be done in the subconscious mind during this process. Actually, Sub-conscious mind awakes at the advanced stage of concentrated state of mind. Therefore, the control of conscious mind becomes a self-perpetuating process. We have not to do anything deliberately or make use of any force. Everything goes on unceasingly at this stage. We just watch and do not interfere. We can really control our mind i.e. conscious and subconscious if we aim at the attainment of life’s goal, which is the experience of the super-conscious state.

Those who trust in God are benefited concerning the control of mind. The trust in God multiplies the positive outcomes of our efforts. We pace one step ahead voluntarily and find ourselves advanced by many steps with the grace of God. Sincere faith in God is a potent help as a zeal for God is developed through a persistent practice of devotion, which, in turn, can work wonders by removing obstructions in the way. The control of thought is an important step in order to experience the super-conscious state of mind and it paves the way for a complete control of mind. The practice of the control of thought is one of the initial steps of the spiritual journey which should be carried out very carefully. As a matter of fact, any negligence in this practice may make the entire struggle unproductive.


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