


Kapalbhati Pranayama is also known as The Skull Shining Breathing Technique that exerts profound physiological effects on cardiovascular, and mind also.

In Kapalbhati Pranayama we exhale with stroke. The most important point to remember is that when you are exhaling while doing The Skull Shining Breathing Technique. Assume that all the mental and physical disorders are kicked out of your body and mind also. Keep assuming that feeling in every stroke of exhaling. It is simple and easy to do Pranayam but having a powerful effect.

Precautions: If you have acid or heat-related gastric problems, such as ulcers you should use caution with Kapalbhati Pranayama. Avoid Kapalbhati in case of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke or epilepsy.

Sometimes it causes dizziness and headache but not to worry if you feel these symptoms avoid Kapalbhati for some time. Or you may feel like vomiting, dry mouth. Or somewhere are not following the instructions correctly this reason also causes somebody’s reaction. So, be careful with your practice

Method: How to Perform  Kapalbhati Pranayama

Step 1: First, sit on the Padmasana and close your eyes and keep the spine straight.

Step 2: Now take a deep breath (inhale deeply) through your both nostrils until your lungs are full of air.

Step 3: Now Exhale through both nostrils forcefully, so your stomach will go deep inside. As you exhale you feel some pressure in your stomach. While the process of exhaling there is a hissing sound, at this point try to think that your disorders are coming out of your nose.

Step 4: Repeat this process for 5 minutes.

Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama:

Kapalbhati pranayama improves the blood circulation problem in whole body parts. It Generates heat in the system to help dissolve toxins and waste matter. It improves digestion, Improves the function of kidneys and liver. The daily practice of Kapalbhati can cure all general intestinal problems.

It Adds luster and beauty to your face and you get glowing skin. Skull Shining Breathing Technique helps reduce stress in the eyes, thus curing dark circles around the eyes.

Kapalbhati triggers your abdominal region, so it’s beneficial for diabetic patients. If you are looking for reducing belly fat then try Kapalbhati.

It also helps in regaining poise in emotions. It calms your mind and rejuvenates your digestion system. The Skull Shining Breathing Technique also helps in respiratory-related problems. breathing exercises increase the capacity of our lungs and improves the elasticity of the lungs. 

Morning is the best time to practice kapalbhati pranayama. if you are not getting enough time in the morning you can practice in the evening also. the place for breathing exercise should be an open area where the flow of air is normal and fresh.



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