


Our mind responds and reacts on the immediate awareness and discipline. Our mind reproduces whenever we put a demand. It is the greatest source of power i.e. the power of God in the form of energy of whole universe. We should keep on recharging the battery of life with that when we come into touch with the Divine through the actions of our thoughts and ideas; we feel the flow of God’s life energy. Consequently, our personality, soul, mind and body become stronger gradually. The self-realization follows certain rules, implementation of which works miracles, and it is more complex than any other field of activity. The control over mind is unlike command over a machine, it needs more skills but it is still possible.

The self-realization is the way of going and looking into one’s inner self. It is the process of self-identification and tracing out the negative and positive forces working inside the mind. It is looking for the mind’s tendency and potential to overcome and encourage those forces. It is the technique of becoming aware of the condition of mind in terms of being either balanced or disturbed; whether it is in the state of inferiority or superiority complex; high or low-spirited; in negative or positive direction; indifferent or interested; living or dull and so on. It is finding out how these forces of mind can be diverted from one course to another so that one could make most out of one’s life. In short, we can say that self-realization is the way and the process of tracing out the forces of mind acting and working into different directions and coordinating them to acquire a gaining position leading towards achievement of goal of life.

One cannot be successful if one is in the scattered state of mind. A disturbed or imbalanced mind cannot work to its maximum potential as ordinarily expected. One cannot make most out of one’s life under such a condition. One may miss many precious opportunities, rapture some important social relation, divert the course of life towards unwanted direction and lose the interest in one’s own life. Either he may keep himself in such a state of affairs or he might have lived in a position not otherwise he would have if he had been aware of his potential and abilities in time. He might pass his life as if he had never lived. In the absence of self-realization, he cannot prove himself an asset to the humanity.

By self-realization, a person can make and maintain a full control over his mind and he can overcome negative forces and encourage positive forces. He can divert them into a favourable direction in spite of odd conditions. He can make his life zestful, worthy and successful at any stage of his life. He may not only control the forces working inside the mind but also face the external forces, which are otherwise uncontrollable and always exert pressure. It is the mind around which whole universe revolves. Once it is won, you may win the whole universe. That is why self-realization is needed for an overall change and a revaluation inside and outside of mind.


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