


In Ujjayi Pranayama, the process of Inhalation (breath in) and exhalation (breathe out) are both done through the nostrils. During the process of Inhalation (breath in or Poorak) the “ocean-like sound” is formed by moving the glottis as air passes in and out. The sound is produced because of the friction of air within the throat; a typical sound like the ocean is made.

As the throat passage is narrowed thus, too, is that the airway, the passage of air through that creates a “rushing” sound. The length and speed of the breath are controlled by the diaphragm, the strengthening of that is, in part, and the aim of Ujjayi Pranayama. Ujjayi Pranayama helps to equalize and calming the breath that will increase the action of oxygenation and build internal body heat.

Precautions: Those people who are suffering from heart diseases & high blood pressure should not tighten your throat during Ujjayi pranayama. Don’t do Ujjayi pranayama with strain. Do it systematically one by one on an empty stomach according to your ability hold the breath.

Method: How to Perform Ujjayi Pranayama

Step 1: Sit in any meditative pose like Padmasana (Lotus pose) with eye closed and try to keep your spine erect.

Step 2: Take a long, deep breath slowly from both the nostril (inhale or breath in) and retain the breath within with full awareness as long as simply doable. This is often called Antar kumbhaka (inner retention).

Step 3: Now exhale slowly and deeply as long as well with full awareness. Try to produce the sound ‘HHHHHAAAA’ while exhaling. Enable the breath to be light and relaxed as you slightly contract the rear of your throat, making a gentle hissing sound as you exhale and out. The sound isn’t forced; however, it ought to be loud enough so if somebody came near you they’d hear it. When full exhalation, retain the breath outside for an awfully comfy amount of your time. This is often Bahya kumbhaka (outer retention).

Step 4: This is one spherical of Ujjayi pranayama. As beginners, Perform Ujjayi pranayama 3 to 5 times. Once you are used to it then increases the time as per your ability.

Benefits: Physiological Importance of Ujjayi Pranayama is as follow-

The body becomes healthy, strong and lustrous. It is Very helpful in clearing blocked arteries regulates cholesterol. It lowers the risk of heart attacks. It helps in cataracts and sinus problems, Rheumatism and migraine also. It Prevents thyroid problems and makes voice sweet and melodious.

It gives a positive attitude. It boosts the focusing power of the mind and increases the concentration power. It is the Best for arousing Kundalini, meditation.

It generates internal heat. It is Beneficial in chronic cold, cough, indigestion, liver problems, dysentery, fever and other diseases. It is Very helpful in Asthma problems and other respiratory diseases. Breathing through the nose humidifies the indrawn air, tempers it and removes mud particles. Exploitation Ujjayi Pranayama permits you to breathe clean air. The murmuring Ujjayi pranayama sound causes the bronchi to vibrate subtly, activating the ciliate epithelial tissue. Mud particles will be far from the lungs during this method. Throughout traditional respiratory, the pressure on the bronchi throughout exhalation is sort of modesty. Ujjayi Pranayama maintains steady pressure within the bronchi, even throughout the exhalation. This counteracts the collapsing of the smaller bronchi, permitting the exhalation to be swollen and also the quantity of residual air within the lungs to be reduced. This respiratory technique is very helpful for those that suffer from chronic hindering respiratory organ conditions or bronchial asthma.


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