


According to Yogic philosophy, the human body is not what is visible to us but it consists of five fundamentals (bodies) called Panch koshas i.e. Annamaya kosha, Pranamaya kosha, Manomaya kosha, Vigyanmaya kosha and Anandmaya kosha. Annamaya kosha is the physical body visible to us. It is made of the food that we consume. The Universal life force flowing in the entire body through a maze of nerves is called Pranamaya kosha. We will be lifeless without it. Our mind and its position constitute Manomaya kosha. Vigyanmaya kosha is the subtler than the mind and is concerned with the intellect which is our discriminating power. Anandmaya kosha is concerned with the state of bliss which is the ultimate goal of human being. Koshas make us understand how the diseases originate in the human body and, thus, their diagnosis and treatment becomes easier.     

 According to Yogic philosophy, human body is made of five elements i.e. Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Space. These are called constituents of body. The Space element excels all other elements.

FIRE: It is the starter of body. Its centre is stomach, spleen, liver etc. These produce fire juices i.e. digestive fluid, bile enzymes etc. Fire element maintains body temperature. It keeps all organs active. It helps formation of blood, flesh, fats and bones. It heats the water of the body and it regulates sight, induces hunger and thirst. It maintains suppleness of muscles and beauty of complexion. It makes the body strong by digesting the food. It facilitates the discrimination power of the brain and it helps thinking. It helps the production of antibodies. Fire is a positive element (having positive charge). Our body gets it from space in the form of sun-light and from the food in the form of carbohydrates, fat and heat etc. Ordinarily, this element is associated with manipur chakra.

AIR: It is life itself. Its centre is chest, lungs, heart etc. It forms main protective and operative force of body. It helps in self-control, temper, purity of heart and mind. It conducts every part of the body and maintains balance of body. It nourishes mental faculties, regulates functions of heart, produces sound, helps respiration and moves bile and phlegm. Air is a positive element. Our body gets it through nose and mouth in the form of gases etc. Ordinarily, this element is associated with anahat chakra and vishudh chakra.

EARTH: It is the basic element. Its centre is physical structure of body, bones and flesh. More energy is used to keep this element active. All the life forces become inert and inactive in this element. It constitutes the shape and volume of body. It makes the body strong and it establishes a balance among different organs. Any disorder in this element causes selfishness in the nature and excess of it usually makes a person carefree. Earth is a neutral element. Our body gets it through mouth in the form of food and solids made of proteins, minerals and nutrients etc.  Ordinarily, earth is associated with mooladhara chakra.

WATER: It is the dominant element in the body. More than 70% of body is made of water. Its centre is kidneys, male and female reproductive organs, lymphatic glands. It produces antibodies and this vital fluid ensures a fine health. It has a natural tendency to cool down. It plays a significant role in circulation of blood and maintenance of heat etc. in the body. Water is negative element. Our body gets it through mouth in the form of liquids etc. Ordinarily, this element is associated with Swadhisthana Chakra.

SPACE: It is the supreme element in the body. It covers the entire body. It eliminates poison from the body and keeps it healthy and strong. Its centre is tonsils, saliva etc. It nourishes mental nerves and body nerves. It induces love and affection. It regulates sight, hearing and memory. It rectifies all faults, failings and weaknesses of other elements and glands. Thus, it induces wisdom and tenderness. Space is a negative element. Our body gets it from the universe in the form of radiation of different types, magnet and electricity etc. Ordinarily, it is associated with Aaggya Chakra and Saharstrar Chakra.


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