


Anulom Vilom Pranayama is one of several Pranayama or breathing exercise used in the practice of Hatha yoga. Anulom Vilom Pranayama is the best way of balancing the Tri dosas in our body. Our body gets ill when Tri dosas are not in a balancing position. Vaaa, Pitta, Kaffa known as Tri dosas, Tri means “three” and the meaning of dosas is impurities. All these are present in the body of every people. If one of them is an imbalance that we suffer from different diseases. All three are the cause of all diseases. So it’s important to balance these tri dosas. If you really want to balance these Tri dosas than do Anulom Vilom pranayama regularly. It is the simplest and best way for this.

Precautions:Try to Perform Pranayama in the morning with an empty stomach. If you haven’t enough time in the morning then do it in the evening but keep several hours gap in between your meals and Pranayama. Throughout the practice, assume that all your impurities are come out with exhale. With every inhalation wonder that your mind is getting some positivity and your body is more energetic than before.

Method: Steps of Anulom vilom Pranayama

Step 1:  Anulom Vilom Pranayama is very easy to do, first of all, close your eyes and sit in Pranayama and rest your hands on your knees.

Step 2:  Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale slowly through the left nostril, inhale the oxygen as much as you can, this will fill your lungs with air.

Step 3:  Remove your thumb from your right nostril, as you remove your thumb from right nostril just exhale.

Step 4:  When you exhale use your middle finger to close your left nostril then inhale with our right nostril and remove the thumb from the right nostril then exhale. Repeat this process for 5 minutes.bBe focused and concentrate on your breathing.

Benefits of Anulom vilom Pranayama

It helps to cure mental problems like Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Tension, etc. it’s the Most beneficial for breathing-related problems like (Bronchitis, Asthma), etc. It improves the working of the lungs.

Anulom vilom pranayama is very effective for the mantel and physical health. It’s the best breathing technique for boosting your memory (Makes your brain sharper). Alternate nostril breathing technique Helps harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which correlate to the logical and emotional sides of our personality. It is beneficial to cure insomnia problem if you practice it before sleeping. the practice of an Alternate nostril breathing technique makes your mind calm and relax.

It improves your immune system, so it cures general issues like cough & cold. Without any doubt, Anulom Vilom is the most suitable Pranayama for all. Alternate nostril breathing is an ideal breathing technique for maintaining your heart healthy.

An alternate nostril breathing technique is the ideal breathing exercise for a healthy heart. it is also known as Nadi Shodhana pranayama. Nadi Shodhana is the next level of Anulom Vilom. In Anulom Vilom Pranayama we inhale and exhale, but in Nadi Shodhana pranayama we hold (kumbhaka or retention) our breath for a second or minute than exhale.

Morning is the best time to practice Anulom vilom Pranayama and you can practice it in the evening if you are not getting enough time in the morning. you should practice breathing exercises in Fresh air and it should an open area where the flow of air is normal and you get sufficient quantity of oxygen. This can be done even after meals. Your food is converted into glucose. Oxygen inhaled breaks glucose and convert it into energy.

You should practice it at least 60 to 80 times daily with Long and deep breathing, try to balance the timing of inhaling and exhale. The Alternate nostril breathing technique is excellent for healing, chakra balancing and getting rid of breathing or respiratory problems.



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