


Everything that has a certain shape and structure is made of space element. All heavenly and worldly bodies are made of it. Although it is very subtle element and impossible to be visible yet the yogis who have established full control and command over the universal life force, are certainly able to observe even the space element. Both the space and the universal life force are consistent. Human being comes into existence when the universal life force charges the body with life. The universal life force merges again into the space after destruction of body and then the space element acquires perfection again. According to yogic philosophy, every action of human being is stimulated by the universal life force and it is associated with the space element.

The universal life force comes into existence with the union of fire, air and space. These are the elements forming angels. The universal life force exists abundantly around us in the space. It is the base of life. Air and fire are positive elements while the space is a negative element. When positive and negative elements come into contact, an invisible outburst takes place and the universal life force is generated.

This universal life force charges physical body made of earth (neutral element) and water (negative element) with life and energy. The universal life force is an invisible energy floating in the Cosmos.

There are five types of universal life force called Panch-prana — Udana, Prana, Samana, Apana and Vyana. They are located at different places in our body and function to keep it healthy. Prana Shakti existing between brain and speech organ is called Udana. Udana controls and coordinates the working of mouth, nose, ears and eyes. Prana exerts influence on a region between speech organ and heart. Prana controls respiratory system. Samana exists between heart and navel. Samana controls the digestive system. Apana is centred in Mooladhara Chakra and it controls the excretory system. Vyana exists in whole body and it is centred mainly in Swadhisthana Chakra. The function of Vyana is to control and coordinate the activities of whole body by setting up coordination between physical energy and the universal life force.

For the purpose of absorbing the universal life force, talking not as much, eating a reduced quantity of meal, having an optimum amount of sleep, observing solitude and avoiding unwanted activities should be practised as a code. Too much talking spoils physical and spiritual energy. One must practise silence as long as possible. One should be expressive but one should not waste energy by beating about the bushes and exaggerating the facts. One should take sufficient, balanced and simple diet. One should not indulge in overeating and consuming spicy food, because it makes the health upset. Apart from it, one should avoid dieting since it causes deficiencies in the body. One should take as much sleep as necessary for mind and body. Too much sleep is just wastage of precious life. Too less sleep also causes disturbances in the body. Therefore, sufficient sleep is recommended for refreshing the body. One should spend some time in isolation where nobody may cause disturbance. It provides one with the peace of mind and it purifies one’s thoughts. One should not engage in unproductive and unnecessary activities. It is just wastage of the universal life force.

Some precautions should be observed while absorbing the universal life force. The process of absorbing the universal life force is the exercise of our life. Therefore, it should be performed with care and devotion. Practise it with determination and dedication. Regular and devoted efforts will produce expected benefits. The universal life force is drawn by the recipient, if one does not require it or unconsciously blocks it, there may be no flow and one may not sense anything. The universal life force helps the recipient, whether one believes it or not. Though not trusting in it, the recipient should be open-minded and he should be ready to judge it on the basis of pure experience. Aura-smoothening renders one’s energy body more receptive to the Universal life force. Therefore, it is vital to render one’s Aura harmonious to the Universal life force.

The simplest method of absorbing the Universal life force is prayer. Prayer is devotion as well as an imperceptible emanation of man’s worshiping spirit — the most potent form of energy that one can produce. If one makes a tendency of earnest prayer, one’s life will be very obviously and intensely enriched. A steady, quieter wonder happens hourly in the heart of a person who has discovered that prayer supplies him with a balanced flow of nourishing influence in his existence. Prayer is a grown-up movement in superfluous to the fullest growth of character. One realizes that absolute, harmonious gathering of body, mind and spirit happens only in prayer which gives the feeble creature its firm power. All prayer reveals the fact that human beings seek to enhance their limited energy by addressing themselves in the immeasurable source of all energy. When one prays, one associates oneself with the vast power that goes round the universe. One asks that a part of this power be allocated to one’s desires. Even on asking, one’s human insufficiencies are filled, and one arises reinforced and restored. One can pray in all places. There is no set posture, time or place. But it is pointless to pray in the morning and to live like a rude person the rest of the day.


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