

       Meditation consists of great exercises to make our mind and body fit and healthy. It is the exercise that can be done by any age group and even by the most out of shape people. It is also the most comprehensive of all exercises, since it benefits each part of the mind and the body with no backbreaking body movements or complicated footwork.

Meditation is one of the ways to attain inner peace, contentment and stability of mind. You need to cut short your sleeping hours and limit them to nearly eight hours. Half an hour practice of meditation usually provides you with sufficient relief and relaxation. In addition to it, meditation makes you efficient for whole day while you do not find yourself fully relaxed even after long hours of sleep. Meditation supplements the sleep. In turn, efficiency and effectiveness, thus, gained through meditation saves your time in official and domestic tasks. You become able to finish your work earlier than ever before and, in this way, you save your precious time.

With a regular and proper practice of meditation, unprecedented improvements in the working of lungs take place. The lungs start functioning to their maximum capacity. Consequently, blood is purified with sufficient supply of oxygen from lungs and expulsion of carbon dioxide and other unwanted gases. It helps in formation of healthy plasma and haemoglobin. All parts of the body and the mind get a proper and sufficient supply of pure blood and they become healthy and stronger. As a result, it enhances vigour and stamina in the body.

Meditation has been related to a number of health benefits. Meditation may generate physiological benefits by changing neurological processes. The practice of meditation has also been correlated with effective functioning including academic performance, concentration, perceptual sensitivity, reaction time, memory, self control, empathy, and self esteem. Relaxation, concentration, an altered state of awareness, a suspension of logical thought and the maintenance of a self-observing attitude act as the behavioural mechanism of meditation. It is accompanied by a host of biochemical and physical changes in the body that modify metabolism, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and brain activation. Meditation has been used in clinical settings as a method of stress and pain reduction. Meditation has also been studied specifically for its effects on stress. Meditation has stress reducing effects. Meditation enhances overall psychological health and preserves a positive attitude towards stress. In spite of the large number of scientific publications on meditation, its assessable effect on brain activity is still not well understood. Using different focus objects during meditation may produce different brainwave patterns. Meditation may add to attention spans. Practising meditation leads to doing better on a task related to persistent attention.

Meditation opens your mind to new ideas. When mind is full of thoughts and there is no room for new ideas, Meditation is a very effective technique for improving your resourcefulness and problem solving capacity. People, who practise meditation on the regular basis, look and feel five or even ten years younger than other people at their age on average. Giving the mind a usual break and allowing our nature to perform self-repairs everyday makes all the difference. Self-healing seems to be within reach of everyone who is ready to learn meditation and meditate regularly every day.

Modern life is full of tension and stress. Every person has a sense of fear and insecurity. Under such circumstances, meditation becomes a basic need of man. Thus, meditation is dedicated to the service of whole humanity.


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