


Dharana means holding the mind to certain points and cultivating inner perceptual awareness. In other words, Dharana means concentration. To control tendencies of the mind at a particular point is called Dharana. It implies "immovable concentration of the mind". The essential idea is to hold the concentration or focus of attention in one direction. When the mind-stuff is confined or limited to a certain place it is Dharana. In Dharana, we form the conditions for the mind to focus its attention in one direction instead of going out in many different directions. Deep contemplation and manifestation can make the right state of affairs and the focus on this one point, that we have chosen, becomes more intense. We encourage one particular activity of the mind. The more intense it becomes, the more the other activities of the mind fall away.

The objective in Dharana is to stabilise the mind by focusing its attention upon some stable entity. The particular object selected has nothing to do with the common intention, which is to stop the mind from wandering through memories, dreams or reflective thoughts by deliberately holding it persistently upon some apparently static object.

When the mind has become purified by yoga practices, it becomes able to focus efficiently on one subject or one point of experience. Now we can set the great potential free for inner healing. As the organs get finer, the perceptions get higher. There is the danger of wasting your energies by taking up an idea only for its novelty and then giving it up for another that is newer. Take one thing up and do it and see the end of it and do not give it up before you have seen the end. He who can become mad with an idea, alone sees light.

 Conscious mind is always alert. It takes decision with the help of intellect. When conscious mind rests, the unconscious mind awakens and begins to guard the physical body. The role of unconscious mind is very important in life because the effect of whatsoever it experiences is immediate and long-lasting. The unconscious mind accepts what it notices whereas the conscious mind makes use of logic before accepting anything at its face-value. The unconscious mind reaches anywhere without any hindrance of time and space. Let the unconscious mind be trained to be in control of conscious mind. But it is very difficult because its movement is very fast and stable. We can watch as well as interfere into the remotest events with the help of unconscious mind. It is possible with the help of concentration only. The concentration signifies the one-pointed mind. It is very difficult process to do so because coordination needs to be established among unconscious mind, conscious mind and intellect.

Our conscious mind is fickle. It is the outcome of many folds over our unconscious mind. Sometimes we become unable to meet our goals because of this ever-changing mind. Concentration is must to stabilise this fickle mind. Do not try to test yourself as it will cause disturbance in the mind. Carry on the practice with self-confidence because soon concentration replaces the fickleness of mind. Similarly, the one-pointed state of mind replaces the scattered state. The practitioner undergoes a strange experience of the bliss of spiritual world which cannot be explained in human language. This is the beginning of the journey to the world of spirituality and meditation occurs at the advanced stage of concentration.

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