


According to yogic philosophy, there are three types of human lives as expressed through thought, word or deed, which do not exist exclusively of each other i.e. tamasa, rajasa and satwa. Each type of these human life-styles is unique in nature. Each one, having quite different characteristics, interacts in absolutely different environment and manipulates the surroundings in a unique manner. 

Tamasa is symbolised by deterioration of the mind, the body and the intellect. Its chief characteristics are inertia, laziness, sloth, error, inattention, forgetfulness and negligence. Usually, lethargy and dullness indicate the dominance of tamasa. A person who has tamasa type of life-style leads a low quality of life. His nature exhibits self destroying vices. He has low degree of self-control and, therefore, he does not have control over his senses. His senses dominate his true nature. He generally suffers from miserliness, worries, tension and restlessness. Gama type of electric waves is mainly produced in the brain cells in case of Tamasa.

Rajasa is symbolised by ambition to possess and become important. Its chief characteristics are desire, hankering after this or that thing, limitless urge for action, unsteadiness of mind and character. Usually, restlessness and yearning indicate the dominance of rajasa. A person who has rajasa type of life-style leads a luxurious life. His nature exhibits self-indulgence and selfishness. He has also low degree of self-control and, therefore, he leads a life full of passions. His senses dictate his character and command his temperament. He normally undergoes doubts, nervousness and impatience. Beta type of electric waves is mainly produced in the brain cells in case of rajasa.

Satwa is symbolised by a boost of the mind, the body and the intellect. Its chief characteristics are peace, steadiness and serenity. Knowledge and conscious happiness usually indicate the dominance of satwa. A person who has satwa type of life-style leads a high quality of Spiritual life. His nature exhibits virtues like self-realization, self-confidence, and self-motivation. He has high degree of self-control and, therefore, he has full control over his senses. He leads his senses to the requisite track. He generally experiences an ecstasy of spiritual world which cannot be explained in human language. Alpha type of electric waves is mainly produced in the brain cells in case of Satwa.

The food that we consume considerably affects our life-style. A nutrient, well-balanced, vegetarian diet containing vegetables, fruit, dry-fruit, milk and honey etc. in addition to simple diet is called satwik diet and it adds to satwa. On the other hand, a non-vegetarian, fried and spicy diet containing meat, wine, fish and eggs etc. in addition to highly processed diet is called tamasik diet and it adds to tamasa. While a mix of both satwik and tamasik diet in addition to junk food or fast food is called rajasik diet and it adds to rajasa. A satwik diet should be preferred as a routine. Human-being is omnivorous. Therefore, it matters little if tamasik or rajasik diet is consumed occasionally. However, let it be avoided as far as possible.

Generally, a blend of two or all types of human life-styles is found in a single character with dominance of one. The ingredients of each type of human life-styles, in varying degrees, determine the quality of mind which obviously, produces infinite diversity that we see around us.


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