


Those meditation practitioners who are interested in acupressure may also prefer it to restore the efficiency of Endocrine glands.
Location connected with Endocrine glands{Chakras (centres of energy)}:
1   Pineal gland {Crown Energy Centre (Sahastrar Chakra)}
2   Pituitary gland {Brow Energy Centre  (Aaggya Chakra)}
3   Thyroid & Parathyroid glands{Throat Energy Centre  (Vishudh Chakra)}
4   Thymus gland{Heart Energy Centre  (Anahat Chakra)}
5   Pancreas glands{Solar Plexus Energy (Manipura Chakra)}
6   Gonads or Sex glands {Sacral Root Energy Centre (Swadhisthana)}
7   Adrenal glands {Root Energy Centre (Muladhara Chakra)}
The switch board of electric current flowing in our body is located in the palms and soles. When the point of any of the endocrine glands which are called the controllers of all organs, is pressed on deeper, the current is sent there and it will be activated and normalized. As a consequence, these most vital glands can be controlled simply by applying pressure on the points of the endocrine glands. The pressure is to be applied intermittently like pumping and continued pressure is to be avoided. This action is to be repeated for one to two minutes. The pressure to be applied must be just enough for you to be able to feel it. However, on all points of the endocrine glands which ar situated in the middle of the body, a deeper pressure is to be applied. When the endocrine glands are working properly, you will feel more agile and energetic.

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