


1.  Sat Nam! Good to see in this spiritual environment) how is the educational process, students are replenished?

Meditation is my passion not profession. Although I have been practicing it for a long time yet I have recently become active in public. I disclose the secrets of meditation to those who are interested. In Russia, I find people are not acquainted well with perfect method and philosophy of yoga. It is excessively influenced with Hinduism, acupressure methods and any other self-made techniques. My duty is to acquaint yoga lovers with scientific methods of meditation. 

2. Vikram, how do you like the culture of our homeland - have already managed to get acquainted with local customs and traditions?

Russian culture is connected with European and Asian cultures and has been influenced by both. Russian culture has a long and rich history, steeped in literature, ballet, painting and classical music. Russia has a very vibrant cultural past, from its colorful folk costumes to ornate religious symbols. Patience and suffering are the main basic values ​​of the Russian people. They stand with consistent abstinence, self-restraint, and constant sacrifice for the benefit of others. Without it, there is no person, and there is no status or respect of others. In Russia, people are a little more formal and reserved, more serious, and careless behaviour is considered a sign of disrespect. The family is of the greatest importance for a person in Russia. Relatives usually have a very close relationship and are interdependent, helping each other in difficult times. Extended family members are also very involved in people's lives and supporting the household. Russian culture is shaped by authoritarian thinking, so relations between generations are also formed on the basis of respect and appreciation. Russian parents are generally very protective of their children. Usually they themselves make important decisions regarding their children without discussion.

3. Guru Nanak, Yogi Bhajan - were followers of the doctrine of Love, Dobra and to keep the Uma pure.

    How do Sikhs relate to other beliefs and can you tell us a little more about this tradition (some of our readers are not aware of this culture?

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion, which means that Sikhs believe that there is only one god. Sikhs can also be called panentheists, which means they believe that God is present in creation. God is not the universe, but life in it, its driving force. Sikhism, somewhat unique among world religions, rejects the notion that any religion, even their own, has a monopoly on the highest spiritual truth. Sikhs believe that people spend their time in the cycle of birth, life and rebirth. They share this belief with followers of other Indian religious traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. The quality of each particular life depends on the law of Karma. There are three main principles of the Sikh religion: meditation and devotion to the Creator, truthful living and service to humanity. Sikhs must daily uphold the values ​​of honesty, compassion, generosity, humility, honesty, service and spirituality. Influenced by the religious emphasis of Bhakti Hinduism and Sufi Islam, Sikhism emphasizes the unity, truth and creativity of a personal God and calls for union with him through meditation on his title, Name (Nam) and submission to his will. Guru Nanak Dev was the first and foremost mystic who described God in clear words in his article “Japuji Sahib”. According to him, “God is one, his name has existence and he is the creator, he is Omni-present, fearless, devoid of hostility, whose existence is out of time (whose body is indestructible), he is intact of cycles of life, who is born out of himself and who is visible with the grace of Guru.”

4. What for you Kundalini yoga is a kind of darshan or another asceticism over his Essence?

Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that includes breathing exercises and repetitive postures. It includes the technique of movement and dynamic breathing, meditation. Its purpose is to activate your Kundalini energy, or shakti. It is a spiritual energy that is said to reside at the base of your spine. An uplifting blend of spiritual and physical practices that aims to increase physical vitality and consciousness. It allows the individual to consciously traverse the lower planes and ultimately merge with the universal cosmic force of which it is a part and which is also sometimes referred to as kundalini. It is said that kundalini yoga was originally used in India by the warrior class of the Sikh religion. However, the study of mystical literature and traditions has shown that Kundalini, called by various names, seems to have been a universal phenomenon in esoteric teachings for about three thousand years.

5. AND what is your day and how is your constant Sadhana?

My day is normal. I follow a similar disciplined routine from Monday to Saturday. On Sunday, I live freely, without routine.


6. How not to have burnout in the modern world and where to replenish strength?

Reframe your mindset. Consider the role you're burned out from and remind yourself why you started, Make time for self-care, maintain your social life, set boundaries, track your stress levels, identify your stressors, get enough exercise, speak up for yourself, and learn stress management techniques.

7. What books are you currently reading and what can you offer from the innermost?

At present I am reading Russian grammar in order to learn this language. Practice meditation and make it your routine. Keep it as a regular practice. Once you give up, you have to start from the beginning again.

8. Your instructions and wishes to all the inhabitants of the Universe?

Try to control your mind. A simple person who is full of faith, devotion and the openness of heart may have a great deal more about God than a philosopher having a brilliant intellect. A simplicity and devotion always bring a feeling of the nearness of Divine. Spirituality is marked in straightforwardness and attachment. God seems to go away when we begin to make analysis and calculations. We begin to feel his protection and guidance very soon when we seek him with humility, simplicity and surrender. Imagination of something high, holy and spiritual is better than the imagination of us to be weak, sinful and sorrowing. Our mind can work both ways if not controlled.

9.  The Golden Temple is...?

The Golden Temple is a sacred place for Sikhs. It is also called Harmandir Sahib, that is, the home of God. Sikhs follow the teachings of ten Gurus or special religious leaders. They believe in one God and that all people are equal. The Guru Granth Sahib is the Sikh holy book which is a central point inside the Golden Temple.

10. Will love save the world?

To love simply means to see others as important as yourself; give time and attention to others as well as to yourself; sincerely believe, know and feel that the well-being of others is just as important as our own. When we open our hearts to love others, including other species on the planet, we feel more compassion for every being.

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