


The foundation of all standing poses, Mountain Pose (Tadasana) makes a great starting position, resting pose, or tool to improve posture. It is the base of all the yoga poses, and the other poses emerged with this pose. Mostly all the standing poses are shifts in a certain part of your body or an individual joint that spring from it, while the other parts remain neutral. This pose requires the engagement of the entire body while relaxing the mind. It sets the tone for the other poses to follow and also serves as the neutral pose between other standing poses.

Method: Here’s how to do it in the standing position:

Step 1: Firstly, stand on a firm ground and keep your hands at your sides and look in the front. Stand with your feet slightly apart and make sure that your weight is balanced equally on both feet. Your feet should be slightly apart.

Step 2: Your hands should be along side your body. Inhale deeply and slowly raise your arms upwards above your head, interlock your fingers with palms facing upwards.

Step 3: Raise your shoulders up towards your ears and on an exhale, roll your shoulders back and down your spine, opening your chest and straightening your posture.

Step 4: Raise your heels and stand on your toes. Your toes should be fanned out a little. Place your body weight on your toes and stretch out your shoulders, arms, and chest up.

Step 5: Feel your body stretching. Look up. Relax your eyes and maintain a steady gaze.

Step 6: Hold this pose for a few moments. Exhale and return to the starting position and relax.

Special Tips: Emphasize the perfection of technique. Let it be performed just after Spot Running exercise to get more flexibility and stamina.

Since this pose looks so simple, there is a temptation to disregard its importance or rush through it. Instead, make sure you get in at least one really attentive Mountain Pose (Tadasana) at the beginning of each practice. It's a great way to check in with your body and set yourself up to be mindful of your form throughout your entire pose. If you are beginner and it’s difficult to you to maintain the pose on toes by raising the heels, then your can perform this pose without coming into toes. If you are practicing day by day then you can do to maintain this pose on toes by raising your heels.

You can practice this pose any time of the day. It’s not compulsory that this pose must be done on an empty stomach. It is a generally safe pose unless you are feeling dizzy or lightheaded.

Modifications and Variations: If you find the move difficult, try a modification until you're more comfortable. Once you are, increase the challenge to get the most from this pose. If you have difficulty standing with your feet together or feel unstable doing so, place feet hips-width apart until you feel stable. If you have knee problems, be sure you are not locking your knees but instead keep your knees soft or slightly bent. You can give yourself a balance challenge by doing Mountain Pose with your eyes closed.

Benefits: Mountain Pose (Tadasana) improves your posture and body awareness, strengthens your legs, and establishes good alignment. It may not look like much, but keeping your body active and aligned is hard work. You're not just standing in any old way. You have to be aware of each part of your body and the role that it plays in stacking your bones and keeping your spine long. You can even work hard if you engage your leg muscles as strongly as possible.

It improves your posture. If you have the tendency to hunch or slouch, then practicing it helps in correcting your posture and improves your balance by making your spine more agile. When you do this pose and do it regularly, you will notice that the back pain you felt will go away. You will learn to stand tall naturally and your posture will improve.

It may help increase height. It is also believed that it may help in increasing your height if practiced regularly during formative years. If you start practicing this pose early on and stick to it, you can end up gaining a few extra cms. Yes, this pose helps increase height. If it’s too late for you now, you can ask your children to start practicing it.

It boosts mental awareness. Yoga is not just about movement but meditation too. This pose helps you connect to your deeper consciousness and expands your mental awareness. You will feel more alert, calm, and composed.

It boosts energy levels. Another benefit of the mountain pose is that it helps boost energy levels. This is because it rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul. It helps to remove lethargy from body and gives strength to vertebral column and heart.

It improves your mood. If you’ve had a bad day, then practice it. It can help beat depression and strengthen the nervous system. Your memory will improve and you’ll be able to focus on matters that need attention. It activates the nerves of the entire body.

Results of this pose and the preceding exercise may vary from person to person depending upon many factors such as technique used, availability of time, age, health condition, regularity, discipline, mood, interest and so forth.

Final Position: Now enter into Natural Standing Posture and relax your body.

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