

Inter-merging of both Prana and Space is the pranayama. It is vital to control the Universal life force because the concentration may be attained with the help of it. It is the process of inhaling and exhaling in a systematic way. The flow of universal life force keeps the health sound and steady and it brings perfection. Pranayama is the way to revive the Universal life force in the body in a controlled way.

The universal life force is gained from air and space when we inhale. Breathing is a continuous process and it is controlled by a part of brain namely Medulla Oblongata. Tissues of heart and lungs also join it. Thus we can control all the functions of the body with the help of pranayama. The purpose of pranayama is to uplift the life force in the body, circulate, control and coordinate it. According to Yogic philosophy, there are approximately 40 types of pranayama.

All the centres of energy (Chakras) i.e. Mooladhara Chakra, Swadhisthana Chakra, Manipur Chakra, Anahat Chakra, Vishudh Chakra, Aaggya Chakra and Sahastrar Chakra are fuelled with the Universal life force. Thus pranayama is the exercise to boost up the Universal life force by controlling breathing process in a systematic way for the purpose of coordinating and controlling the functions of all the Chakras of the human body. The universal life force is present in every living being as well as widely spread in Space. It can be absorbed by practising Pranayama. The accumulation of it brings perfection in the personality of human being and makes it impressive. Thus pranayama is the best way to uplift the universal life force in human body in order to make it impressive. Pranayama controls the energy within the organism, in order to restore and maintain health and to promote evolution.

When the in-flowing breath is neutralized or joined with the out-flowing breath, then perfect relaxation and balance of body activities are realized. Practising pranayama can relieve symptoms of asthma. It is also beneficial in treating stress related disorders, such as anxiety and depression. In the process of breathing when the prana air is inhaled, definite action takes place. One is related to the ingestion of oxygen into the alveoli and the other to the ingestion of the nervous energy into the brain system. He who practises pranayama will have good appetite, cheerfulness, handsome figure, good strength, courage, and enthusiasm, a high standard of health, vigour and vitality and good concentration of mind. You can take in a certain amount of energy or prana from the atmospheric air along with each breath. Vital faculty is the capacity shown by the largest quantity of air a man can inhale after the deepest possible exhalation. It manages psycho physical diseases. It puts chain on the senses. It makes the body healthy. It helps in controlling the modalities of mind. It gives opportunities to soul to flourish. Will-power becomes stronger through its practice.

Many parts of the body become inactive in course of time due to lack of attention. While some other part of the body become sluggish for the same reason. Pranayama helps us to pay an attention to each part of the body so as to make them function again properly and it boosts up the Universal life force in them. Moreover, it makes those parts active again which remains dormant since a long period of time and we have absolutely forgotten about their working and use. Apart from it, pranayama makes conscious and unconscious mind awakened. It activates all the Chakras and awakens latent spiritual forces in them. It makes the Aura of human being smooth and the flow of the Universal life force into the body possible. 

We make use of nearly 53% of our body and merely 9% of our mind. Pranayama has wonderful influence on both mind and body. Each internal and external part gets due attention and their working becomes effective and efficient. In pranayama, body gets sufficient oxygen while inhaling air, this, in turn, helps in purification of blood. The pure blood strengthens other organs of body and improves their working. Lungs throw out carbon dioxide and other toxins. In this way, there is a proper detoxification and purification of body.

To achieve sufficient and positive advantages from pranayama, you have better to practise it at a place where there is sufficient supply of oxygen. In such a case, it provides mind and body with more vitality, stamina, vigour, relaxation and peace. In fact, pranayama leads to enlightenment and it is very conducive in concentration and contemplation. Respiration is a process whereby living organisms produce energy for their metabolic processes. The energy is released from the breakdown of food (oxidised nutrients or glucose) and waste products are released at the same time in the form of water and carbon dioxide. Pranayama is the best exercise for overall health of respiratory system. Pranayama must be practised during asanas and meditation for securing the utmost benefits.


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