
VAJRASANA (Thunderbolt Pose)


This is the Asana for meditation. One can sit comfortably for a prolonged period in this asana. Those who sit in this Asana have a steady, firm pose. They cannot be easily shaken.

Fold the left leg in the knee and place the toe on the floor. Fold the right leg in the knee and place the toe on the floor and join both toes. Sit on the pit formed by the parted heels. Place the palms on the knees. It is important to keep the spine, the neck and the head, upright in a straight line in this asana. Keep the eyes  fixed at the level of the height. Don't have any pressure on the hands. The whole weight of the body is set on the spine. Continue smooth breathing, when the final position is attained.

Releasing:       Remove the palms from the knees and bring them to the sides. Take out the left leg and straighten it. In the same way take out the right leg and straighten it. Take the sitting position. After a little practice, this asana can be maintained for a longer time. In the daily routine it should be kept for at least five minutes to experience good results. With more practice it can be kept for nearly three hours at a stretch.

It mainly benefits in the digestive system and keeps the backbone in right posture. Along with the body, the mind also gets stabilized in this asana. Hence, it is preferred for meditation and concentration. This asana is also found to be good for the practice of pranayama. The special fold of the legs forms one bandha in this asana. Consequently the blood circulation in the waist-downward parts is controlled. If you sit in this asana for about half an hour immediately after food, the food will be digested well. The nerves and muscles of the legs and thighs are strengthened. Back trouble vanishes. The stomach works vigorously. In yogic philosophy, it is said that the practice of Vajrasana exercises a stimulating, beneficial influence on Kanda, the most vital part, and which is situated 12 inches above the anus and from which 72,000 Nadis spring.


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