


Its Sanskrit name is manipura i.e. lustrous gem — purpose, effectiveness, endurance, self-respect and courage to take risks. Manipura Chakra is also called solar-plexus chakra. Its physical counterparts are pancreas glands (numerous islets of langerans). It is located in upper abdomen from navel to solar plexus. Its associated body parts are stomach, bladder, circulatory system, prostate, womb pancreas, the digestive system, the urinary system and the skin.

This chakra has ten petals and a down-ward-triangle with a T-sign which represents the fire element. Its symbol is a bright yellow shaded lotus with ten petals. In it, citrine crystal is embedded as this is also excellent for the power of the sun. It is energising and highly creative. Citrine raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Basically, citrine is a wonderful stone as it promotes joy in life. It can release one of those fear and negative traits. In the centre of the chakra, sun stone is used. This stone can help one restore oneself and it heightens intuition. It is also linked with good luck and good fortune. This stone is connected to the power of light and is really good for those who suffer with depression. It relieves stomach ulcers and harmonises the organs. Other crystals connected to this chakra are quartz and topaz.

This chakra is connected to the warm glowing sun, giving one vitality, energy and the confidence to live life to the full. Its ruling planets are Mars + Sun. The frequency of vibration is 10 per second.  Its main element is fire. Its colour is yellow. Its outer form is plasma. Its inner state is laughter, joy and anger. Its function is will, power and assertiveness. Its associated metal is iron. Its trait (guna) is rajas. Its incense is Rose, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Cinnamon, Carnation, Frankincense, Camomile, Orange blossom, Honeysuckle and Marigold. Its crystals are yellow stones, yellow citrine, topaz, quartz and malachite (good for remembering dreams).

The practitioner is blessed with Brahma-agni. Generally he attains spiritual powers relating to fire. Its chief operating force is combustion. The solar plexus chakra is connected in-between the navel and the base of sternum. This is one’s lustrous gem. It is here where one gets that feeling of flight or fight. It may be called out energy centre.

When it is open and balanced, one has a deeply fulfilling emotional life. One takes an expansive, outgoing, and sociable attitude to the world. One is able to feel the sweetness of life. One has a sense of belonging and fitting in perfectly in the universe. One feels daring and confident and able to take risks. Hence, this is the chakra associated with the leader, the explorer and the inspiring extroversive individual who is confident, optimistic and good humoured.

Its glandular connection is pancreas. The pancreas, located in the abdomen close to the stomach, is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland. The endocrine portion (islets of langerhans) releases insulin and glucagons and smaller amounts of other hormones to the blood. Glucagons which is released by alpha (α) cells when glucose level in blood is low, stimulates the liver to release glucose to the blood. Insulin is released by beta (β) cells when blood levels of glucose (and amino acids) are rising. It increases the rate of glucose uptake and metabolism by most body cells. Hypo secretion of insulin results in diabetes.  Insulin strives to reduce blood glucose level while later tries to raise it. A controlled secretion of these hormones results into balanced level of glucose in the blood. It controls fire and production of digestive juices, regulates blood and sugar level, controls sodium and water balance. Its under-working leads to diabetes and over-working leads to low blood pressure, dizziness and even to alcoholism. Its emotional dysfunctions like oversensitive to criticism, addictive personality, aggressiveness and low self-esteem are needed to be in control. Its physical dysfunctions are stomach ulcers, fatigue, diabetes, allergies and weight around stomach.

Some people anoint jasmine, musk and ylang ylang on solar plexus chakra with a single drop making sure that the oils are diluted well in the ratio of three drops of essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil for accessing intuitive awareness, boosting psychometric abilities and psychic touch helping to pick up information about people's lives and their future by holding objects belonging to them.

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