


Its Sanskrit name is Anahat i.e. balance, forgiveness, compassion of others, self-acceptance, beliefs about love and relationships. Anahat Chakra is also called heart chakra; its physical counterpart is thymus gland (one). It is located in centre of upper chest in front of heart. Its associated body parts are thymus gland, centre of chest, heart, lungs, arms, the immune system and the circulatory system.

The heart chakra is the central chakra; it is here that the physical body meets with spirit. Its symbol is a green shaded lotus with twelve petals. This is depicted by the lotus flower with 12 petals, inside there are two triangles one pointing downwards and the other pointing upwards. This represents the union of the physical body and the spiritual body (air). In it, watermelon tourmaline and emerald are used. Watermelon tourmaline for its use with the heart chakra, the heart chakra colours are green and pink. All tourmalines are linked to the inner flute and are good for cleansing all chakras. It helps one to feel calm taking all the energy to the higher for understanding, while helping one accept the need for transformation. It is said to be a crystal for the “New Age Consciousness” known as the Aquarian. Tourmaline is a wonderful stone for healing and protection. It is a powerful mental healer and it helps clear blockages & the aura. It comes in many colours and each is used for specific healing abilities. Emerald is the stone of successful love. It has a calming effect on the emotions.

The heart is very complex. It not only gives beat for live, but here all kinds of emotions, love, compassion, truth, as well as confusion and frustration are felt. Once one has ascended the first three chakras on relating to survival (the root), self knowledge (the sacral) and personal power (the solar plexus), one is now ready for the embodiment of enlightenment. Embodiment is about embracing all the qualities of the lower chakras to make them part of one’s life.

The frequency of vibration of this chakra is 12 per second. Its main element is also air. It is the source of life force. Generally, the practitioner attains spiritual powers relating to air. Its outer state is gaseous. Its function is love. Its inner state is compassion and love. Its colour is green. Its incenses are rose and bergamot. Its ruling planet is Venus. Its associated metal is copper. Its crystals are pink and green stones, watermelon tourmaline, rose quartz, emerald, green calcite, jade, malachite and moonstone. Its glandular connection is thymus. Its chief operating quality is equilibrium. It produces thymosin which stimulates immunity. It controls the immune system, heart, lungs, the circulatory system and arms. Its mal-functioning leads to sickness. It brings dullness in case of over-working. Its emotional dysfunctions are co-dependency, melancholia, fears concerning loneliness, commitment and/or betrayal. Its physical dysfunctions are shallow breathing, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.

Thymus gland can be considered as a God mother for a child because the child will grow and develop properly in body and mind. It protects the growing children against diseases. Once the body is fully developed, it shrinks and stops its activities. In case, it becomes active, it creates dullness and common fatigue leading to total inactiveness.

When it is open and balanced, one is very compassionate, understanding and generous person. The emotions of love, kindness, happiness, honesty and respect are very significant. One is considerate and sensitive to the needs of others and empathetic to their pain. One is able to feel love for all beings around in an ever-widening circle. Ultimately, one can see the divine in all beings and one realises the same self in one is also the self in them as well.

Some people make use of rose, geranium, hyacinth, lilac and lily of the valley. They use the minor chakras in the centres of the palm of hand to anoint a single drop. The Heart chakra is the healing source, especially used with crystals, herbs and other natural forces.


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