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In addition
to chakras, there are three important nadis i.e. Sushumna Nadi (spinal
cord), Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi. The sushumna nadi is
located in backbone and it ensures the circulation of energy in the body
through cerebrospinal fluid. The Ida Nadi symbolises Chandra (moon)
and is located to the left of Sushumna Nadi while Pingala Nadi
symbolises surya (sun) and is located to the right. The Ida represents
negative and Pingala positive character. While the Sushumna acts
as a balancing factor. The Chakras absorb the universal life force while
the Nadis ensure circulation of energy in the body. The nervous system is an organ system containing a network
of specialized cells called neurons that coordinate the actions of an animal
and transmit signals between different parts of its body.
most animals, the nervous system consists of two parts, central and peripheral.
The central nervous system of vertebrates (such as humans) contains the brain,
spinal cord and retina. The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory
neurons, clusters of neurons called ganglia and nerves connecting them to each
other and to the central nervous system. These regions are all interconnected
by means of complex neural pathways. The vertebrate nervous system can also be
divided into areas called grey matter and white matter. Grey matter contains a
high proportion of cell bodies of neurons. Grey matter is found in clusters of
neurons in the brain and spinal cord and in cortical layers that line their
surfaces. White matter includes all of the nerves and much of the interior of
the brain and spinal cord. Sensory neurons are activated by physical stimuli
impinging on them, and send signals that inform the central
nervous system of the state of the body and the
external environment. Motor neurons situated either in the central nervous
system or in peripheral ganglia, connect the nervous system to muscles or other
effecter organs. Central neurons, which in vertebrates greatly outnumber the
other types, make all of their input and output connections with other neurons.
The interactions of all these types of neurons form neural circuits that
generate an organism's perception of the world and determine its behaviour.
spinal cord is a long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue. The brain and
spinal cord together make up the central nervous system (CNS). The length of
the spinal cord is much shorter than the length of the bony spinal column. The spinal
cord is connected to the brain and is about the diameter of a human finger.
From the brain the spinal cord descends down the middle of the back and is
surrounded and protected by the bony vertebral column. The spinal cord is
surrounded by a clear fluid called Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF), that acts as a
cushion to protect the delicate nerve tissues against damage from banging
against the inside of the vertebrae. The spinal cord is about 45 cm
(18 in) long in men and around 43 cm (17 in) in women,
ovoid-shaped, and is enlarged in the cervical and lumbar regions.
spinal cord is the main pathway for information connecting the brain and
peripheral nervous system. The spinal cord functions primarily in the
transmission of neural signals between the brain and the rest of the body but
also contains neural circuits that can separately control numerous reflexes and
central pattern generators. The spinal cord has three major functions: as a
conduit for motor information, which travels down the spinal cord, as a conduit
for sensory information in the reverse direction, and finally as a centre for
coordinating certain reflexes. The anatomy of the spinal cord itself consists
of millions of nerve fibres which transmit electrical information to and from
the limbs, trunk and organs of the body, back to and from the brain. The brain
and spinal cord are referred to as the Central Nervous System, whilst the
nerves connecting the spinal cord to the body are referred to as the Peripheral
Nervous System. The nerves which carry information from the brain to muscles
are called Motor Neurones. The nerves which carry information from the body
back to the brain are called Sensory Neurones. Sensory neurones carry
information to the brain about skin temperature, touch, pain and joint
position. Nerves called the spinal nerves or nerve roots, these nerves carry
information from the spinal cord to the rest of the body and from the body back
up to the brain.
are four main groups of spinal nerves, which exit different levels of the
spinal cord. These are in descending order down the vertebral column. Cervical
Nerves (nerves in the neck) supply movement and feeling to the arms, neck and
upper trunk, also control breathing. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves which
branch off from the spinal cord. The peripheral region of the cord contains
neuronal white matter tracts containing sensory and motor neurons. Internal to
this peripheral region is the gray, butterfly-shaped central region made up of
nerve cell bodies. This central region surrounds the central canal, which is an
anatomic extension of the spaces in the brain known as the ventricles and, like
the ventricles, contains cerebrospinal fluid. The gray matter, in the centre of
the cord, is shaped like a butterfly and consists of cell bodies of inter
neurons and motor neurons. The white matter is located outside of the gray
matter. “Columns” of white matter carry information either up or down the
spinal cord.
Sanskrit name is Mooladhara Chakra i.e. connection to mother
earth — root (Mooladhara). It is
also called root chakra. Its physical counterparts are gonads or sex glands
(Two: Ovaries in females and Testes in males). Its location is lower abdomen in
sacral region below navel, between navel and genitals, sex organs, bladder,
circulatory system, prostate, womb. Its associated body parts are skin, womb,
uterus, bowels, gall bladder, prostate, ovaries/testes, circulatory system, the
reproductive system and the urinary system. Generally, calls for the resources
of body in an emergency. The base chakra is one’s connection to the earth.
is where one connects to one’s survival instinct. Here, one can be physically
fit and healthy. Balance is the key part to this chakra and if one has that,
one will be a grounded person. Its symbol is a red shaded lotus with four
petals. This chakra has four petals, around a square containing a
down-ward-pointing triangle. Garnet crystal is used in it as this is associated
with this chakra. Garnet also helps to purify and balance energy. It is also a
good protective stone and was used as a protective talisman. Other crystals
used for the base chakra are agate, bloodstone, tiger’s eye, ruby, hematite,
onyx, smoky quartz and rose quartz. Cedar wood incense/oil can be used for
meditating on the root chakra.
frequency of vibration of this chakra is 4 per second. Its main element is
earth. Its colour is red. Its incenses are cedar wood, myrrh, patchouli, musk
and lavender. Its ruling planets are Saturn and Earth. Its associated metal is
lead. Its trait (guna) is tamas. It is at the bottom of all the
spiritual powers. Generally the practitioner is blessed with spiritual powers
relating to material. Its function is survival and grounding. It builds
keenness of perception, untiring activity, and the drive to action,
inner-energy, courage, organising power and leadership. In case of its
disorder, a person becomes extremely restless, impatient, and short-tempered
and he suffers from vain-glory.
The practitioner may turn sexual
lust into spiritual power. Generally he attains spiritual powers relating to
water. It contributes to the attractiveness of a person. He becomes charming
and his nature becomes amiable. Generally its disorder makes a person selfish,
lustful, immoral and of angry disposition.
The sacral chakra is connected to sweetness, allowing pleasure and
creative expression. A balanced chakra leaves one feeling comfortable. One is
able to express one’s inner power and beauty. One will have a lot of physical
energy and healing energy. One will experience the joys of life. When it is
open and balanced, one has a lot of sexual energy and sexual power and one is
comfortable with sexuality. One is able to express one’s power easily. One has
a lot of physical energy, a strong sex drive, a lot of healing energy and a joy
of life.
glandular connection is ovaries and testes. Its chief operating force is
attraction of opposites. The ovaries produce oestrogen and progesterone in
females whereas testes produce testosterone and androgens in males these
hormones are responsible for sexual difference and functions. It controls the
heat of the body, reproductive system, urinary system and the skin. In case of
mal-functioning, reproductive organs are damaged and the problem of less or
more menses or sex desire, loss of heat leading to development of fat,
unattractiveness of body takes place. Its emotional dysfunctions are unbalanced
sex drive, instability and feelings of isolation. Physical dysfunctions are
impotence, frigidity, bladder and prostate problems, lower back pain,
pre-menstrual syndrome, problems with menstrual flow, uterine fibroids, ovarian
cysts, irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis and testicular disease. The ovaries of the female, located in the pelvic cavity,
release two main hormones. Secretion of estrogens by the ovarian follicles begins at puberty under the influence of FSH. Estrogens stimulate
maturation of the female reproductive system and development of the secondary
sex characteristics. Progesterone is released
in response to high blood levels of LH. It works with estrogens in establishing
the menstrual cycle. The testes of the male begin to produce testosterone at puberty in response to LH. Testosterone promotes
maturation of the male reproductive organs, development of secondary sex
characteristics and production of sperm by the testes.
Mooladhara Chakra
is very potent in case of animals. Animals like bipeds, quadruped and reptiles
etc. sense the internal movements of earth in advance and they run to the safer
places in time.
Some people anoint cedar perfume
or cedar wood, avocado, apricot, cinnamon and mint on root chakra and at the
centre of each foot or at the pulse points at the side of the ankles though not
through pregnancy making sure that the oils are diluted well in the ratio of
three drops of essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil for accessing new psychic
work and clairsentience which enables one to pick up natural protective
instincts and psychic impressions from the past.
Sanskrit name is Swadhisthana i.e. sweetness. Swadhisthana Chakra
is also called sacral chakra. Its counterparts are adrenal glands or suprarenal
glands (Two). It is located at the base of spine above kidneys between the anus
and genitals. Its associated body parts are bones, skeletal structure,
adrenals, kidneys, large intestine, teeth, adrenal glands, the urinary system,
External genital organs, muscular- skeletal system, colon & legs, sense
symbol is an orange shaded lotus with six petals. This chakra has six petals
and a moon crescent. The element of this chakra is water and is associated to
the moon our lord. Citrine crystal is embedded into the symbol and the petals
have been used, which connected with this chakra. Citrine is a lovely crystal
and never needs cleaning. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds
negative energy. It has the ability to cleanse the chakras. Other crystals
associated with this chakra are carnelian and golden topaz. Its inner state is
feelings and outer state liquid. Its colour is orange. Its trait (guna)
is Tamas. Its ruling planet is Pluto + Moon. Its associated metal is tin. Its incenses are orris root,
gardenia, damiana, jasmine, rose and sandalwood. Its crystals orange stones are
citrine, carnelian and golden topaz. Its frequency of vibration is six per
Its glandular connections are adrenals, kidneys, bladder, the vertebral column, hips, legs and feet. Adrenal glands regulate the fire element of the body, controls liver and gall bladder. Adrenal glands assist in the creation of biles and digestive juices. Proper functioning of adrenal glands leads to qualities like keenness of perception, untiring activity, the drive to action, inner energy and courage. Its disorder forces a person to abuse his natural vigour to satisfy his lust. A sense of vain glory, restlessness and impatience etc. overcomes him. He becomes fearful and loses vigour to face the problems of life. Generally, he is unable to control his diet. Consequently, he suffers from stomach problems and hypertension. Adrenal glands produce a number of hormones like gluco-corticoids which control glucose-metabolism, mineralo-corticoids which control electrolyte balance and stress hormones like adrenaline and non-adrenaline which help us to cope with acute stress. It controls the urinary system, external genital organs, muscular-skeletal system and legs. Its under-working leads to dullness, timidity, less energy and less oxygenation, and its over working leads to high blood pressure, migraine, headache, acidity and vomiting. Its balanced energy is centred, grounded, healthy and fully alive. Unlimited physical energy can manifest abundance. Its excessive energy is egoistic, domineering, greedy, sadistic, sexual energy and entirely genital. Its emotional dysfunctions are mental lethargy, unfocused mind, incapablity of stillness, difficulty in achieving goals and lack of confidence. Its physical dysfunctions are osteoarthritis, constipation, diarrhoea, piles, colitis, cold fingers and toes, frequency of urination, hypertension, kidney stones, impotence and hip problems.
Some people anoint jasmine, musk and hibiscus myrrh though not through pregnancy above genitals or above womb in sacral chakra with a single drop making sure that the oils are diluted well in the ratio of three drops of essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil. Myrrh oil is avoided as it is an irritant to sensitive parts.
Sanskrit name is manipura i.e. lustrous gem — purpose, effectiveness,
endurance, self-respect and courage to take risks. Manipura Chakra
is also called solar-plexus chakra. Its physical counterparts are pancreas
glands (numerous islets of langerans). It is located in upper abdomen from
navel to solar plexus. Its associated body parts are stomach, bladder,
circulatory system, prostate, womb pancreas, the digestive system, the urinary
system and the skin.
chakra has ten petals and a down-ward-triangle with a T-sign which represents
the fire element. Its symbol is a bright yellow shaded lotus with ten petals.
In it, citrine crystal is embedded as this is also excellent for the power of
the sun. It is energising and highly creative. Citrine raises self-esteem and
self-confidence. Basically, citrine is a wonderful stone as it promotes joy in
life. It can release one of those fear and negative traits. In the centre of
the chakra, sun stone is used. This stone can help one restore oneself and it
heightens intuition. It is also linked with good luck and good fortune. This
stone is connected to the power of light and is really good for those who
suffer with depression. It relieves stomach ulcers and harmonises the organs.
Other crystals connected to this chakra are quartz and topaz.
chakra is connected to the warm glowing sun, giving one vitality, energy and
the confidence to live life to the full. Its ruling planets are Mars + Sun. The frequency of vibration is
10 per second. Its main element is fire.
Its colour is yellow. Its outer form is plasma. Its inner state is laughter,
joy and anger. Its function is will, power and assertiveness. Its associated
metal is iron. Its trait (guna) is rajas. Its incense is Rose,
Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Cinnamon, Carnation, Frankincense, Camomile, Orange
blossom, Honeysuckle and Marigold. Its crystals are yellow stones, yellow
citrine, topaz, quartz and malachite (good for remembering dreams).
practitioner is blessed with Brahma-agni. Generally he attains
spiritual powers relating to fire. Its chief operating force is combustion. The
solar plexus chakra is connected in-between the navel and the base of sternum.
This is one’s lustrous gem. It is here where one gets that feeling of flight or
fight. It may be called out energy centre.
it is open and balanced, one has a deeply fulfilling emotional life. One takes
an expansive, outgoing, and sociable attitude to the world. One is able to feel
the sweetness of life. One has a sense of belonging and fitting in perfectly in
the universe. One feels daring and confident and able to take risks. Hence,
this is the chakra associated with the leader, the explorer and the inspiring
extroversive individual who is confident, optimistic and good humoured.
glandular connection is pancreas. The pancreas,
located in the abdomen close to the stomach, is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland. The endocrine portion (islets of
langerhans) releases insulin and glucagons and smaller amounts of other
hormones to the blood. Glucagons which is
released by alpha (α) cells when glucose level in blood is low, stimulates the
liver to release glucose to the blood. Insulin is released by beta (β) cells when blood levels of
glucose (and amino acids) are rising. It increases the rate of glucose uptake
and metabolism by most body cells. Hypo secretion of insulin results in
diabetes. Insulin strives to
reduce blood glucose level while later tries to raise it. A controlled
secretion of these hormones results into balanced level of glucose in the
blood. It controls fire and production of digestive juices, regulates blood and
sugar level, controls sodium and water balance. Its under-working leads to
diabetes and over-working leads to low blood pressure, dizziness and even to
alcoholism. Its emotional dysfunctions like oversensitive to criticism,
addictive personality, aggressiveness and low self-esteem are needed to be in
control. Its physical dysfunctions are stomach ulcers, fatigue, diabetes,
allergies and weight around stomach.
people anoint jasmine, musk and ylang ylang on solar plexus chakra with a
single drop making sure that the oils are diluted well in the ratio of three
drops of essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil for accessing intuitive
awareness, boosting psychometric abilities and psychic touch helping to pick up
information about people's lives and their future by holding objects belonging
to them.
Sanskrit name is Anahat i.e. balance, forgiveness, compassion of others,
self-acceptance, beliefs about love and relationships. Anahat Chakra
is also called heart chakra; its physical counterpart is thymus gland (one). It
is located in centre of upper chest in front of heart. Its associated body
parts are thymus gland, centre of chest, heart, lungs, arms, the immune system
and the circulatory system.
heart chakra is the central chakra; it is here that the physical body meets
with spirit. Its symbol is a green shaded lotus with twelve petals. This is
depicted by the lotus flower with 12 petals, inside there are two triangles one
pointing downwards and the other pointing upwards. This represents the union of
the physical body and the spiritual body (air). In it, watermelon tourmaline
and emerald are used. Watermelon tourmaline for its use with the heart chakra,
the heart chakra colours are green and pink. All tourmalines are linked to the
inner flute and are good for cleansing all chakras. It helps one to feel calm
taking all the energy to the higher for understanding, while helping one accept
the need for transformation. It is said to be a crystal for the “New Age
Consciousness” known as the Aquarian. Tourmaline is a wonderful stone for
healing and protection. It is a powerful mental healer and it helps clear
blockages & the aura. It comes in many colours and each is used for
specific healing abilities. Emerald is the stone of successful love. It has a
calming effect on the emotions.
heart is very complex. It not only gives beat for live, but here all kinds of
emotions, love, compassion, truth, as well as confusion and frustration are
felt. Once one has ascended the first three chakras on relating to survival
(the root), self knowledge (the sacral) and personal power (the solar plexus),
one is now ready for the embodiment of enlightenment. Embodiment is about
embracing all the qualities of the lower chakras to make them part of one’s
frequency of vibration of this chakra is 12 per second. Its main element is
also air. It is the source of life force. Generally, the practitioner attains
spiritual powers relating to air. Its outer state is gaseous. Its function is
love. Its inner state is compassion and love. Its colour is green. Its incenses
are rose and bergamot. Its ruling planet is Venus. Its associated metal is
copper. Its crystals are pink and green stones, watermelon tourmaline, rose
quartz, emerald, green calcite, jade, malachite and moonstone. Its glandular
connection is thymus. Its chief operating quality is equilibrium. It produces
thymosin which stimulates immunity. It controls the immune system, heart,
lungs, the circulatory system and arms. Its mal-functioning leads to sickness.
It brings dullness in case of over-working. Its emotional dysfunctions are
co-dependency, melancholia, fears concerning loneliness, commitment and/or
betrayal. Its physical dysfunctions are shallow breathing, high blood pressure,
heart disease and cancer.
gland can be considered as a God mother for a child because the child will grow
and develop properly in body and mind. It protects the growing children against
diseases. Once the body is fully developed, it shrinks and stops its
activities. In case, it becomes active, it creates dullness and common fatigue
leading to total inactiveness.
it is open and balanced, one is very compassionate, understanding and generous
person. The emotions of love, kindness, happiness, honesty and respect are very
significant. One is considerate and sensitive to the needs of others and
empathetic to their pain. One is able to feel love for all beings around in an
ever-widening circle. Ultimately, one can see the divine in all beings and one realises
the same self in one is also the self in them as well.
people make use of rose, geranium, hyacinth, lilac and lily of the valley. They
use the minor chakras in the centres of the palm of hand to anoint a single
drop. The Heart chakra is the healing source, especially used with crystals,
herbs and other natural forces.
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