


When a person starts feeling sense of uprooting and dissatisfaction and the person gradually loses the sense of meaningfulness in life, he should secure a little time for himself to lead himself to the right direction in which he could feel a strange bliss of solitude for realization of his existence in the world. Mental health is helpful for the realization of the goals of the life which may be different for every person on account of different life-styles and the philosophies of life. The company of the holy, which makes the thoughts positive, creates a favourable inner climate whereas the evil company, which introduces low quality thoughts, causes unwanted protest in the mind resulting into diversion of the mind from its real motive.

Meditation is one of the effective techniques for attaining inner peace, contentment and stability of mind by opening the mind to new ideas and improving the resourcefulness. The environment for performing meditation should also be peaceful and the factors causing interference and disruption should be prevented in advance.

A favourable environment, which exerts a positive influence on our mind, must be created around us with a hard and methodical work by making a systematic and disciplined struggle and by limiting our desires. The common conditions of mind are scattered, darkened, gathered, one-pointed and concentrated. Normally, it manifests itself in darkened and scattered conditions which are negative conditions of mind. As soon as we make an unstable mind pure by bringing its confused state under control, full trust in the Divine replaces suspicion and instability.

Passions, which keep a person disturbed, result from the weak will-power, absence of self-confidence, indiscipline, any disease, any disorder in the endocrine glands or the lack of self-control. Passions considerably exert their influence on natural environment of the mind. The cause exists in the external environment whereas its effect may be felt in the internal environment of the mind. In search of peace, people look for isolated places where there is no disturbance of any kind in order to practise solitude. However, the peace of mind remains miles away from them due to collective forces of these passions. As long as scattered and darkened state of mind exists, nothing serves the purpose. All our efforts should be directed towards one-pointed state of mind. It can be done in any atmosphere if a person has devotion and a strong will power.

A person who has tamasa type of life-style leads a low quality of life by deterioration of the mind, the body and the intellect. A person who has rajasa type of life-style leads a luxurious life by ambition to possess and become important. A person who has satwa type of life-style leads a high quality of spiritual life by upliftment of the mind, the body and the intellect. Each type of these human life-styles interacts in absolutely different environment and manipulates the surroundings in a unique manner. A pyramid has capacity to produce stability and reawaken the dormant strength of a person by playing an important role in developing physical, mental and intellectual competences.

Everything in the universe including our thoughts and consciousness seems to be just a vibration. Aura, an electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation, contains information about the object. Aura around living objects changes with time in comparison to aura around non-living object which is basically fixed but changeable by our conscious intention. The practice of meditation along with satwik life style makes the aura healthy. Positive vibrations, which emits from the mind and body of the practitioner, also make the aura of non-living objects around him positive. Consequently, his surrounding becomes charming and a pleasant affair.

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