

Its Sanskrit name is Sahastrar i.e. thousand fold- expanded consciousness, selflessness and spirituality. Sahastrar Chakra is also called crown chakra. Its physical counterpart is pineal gland (one). The crown chakra lies at the top of the head, upper skull. Its associated body parts are upper skull, cerebral cortex, skin, pineal gland, cerebrum and right eye. Its symbol is a purple or golden shaded lotus with one thousand petals. The constituent for this chakra is thought and cosmic energy, its meaning is thousand fold. Hence, the lotus flower petals are a thousand. The crystals that are embedded into it are clear quartz and amethyst. Clear quartz is the most powerful healer and energy amplifier on the planet. Quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition. Amethyst for its potent safeguard when working high spiritual vibration is love energy.

The frequency of vibration of this Chakra is 960 per second. Its main element is space. Its incenses are lavender, rosewood and frankincense. Its ruling planet is Uranus. It manifests information. Its colour is violet to white. Its crystals are white gold, violet stones, clear quartz, amethyst, diamond, white jade and white tourmaline. Its associated metal is gold. Its trait (guna) is satwa.

It is the centre of the highest spiritual force. The practitioner undergoes the highest degree of transformation in character, outlook and personality. He attains supreme super natural powers. A new awakening (knowledge) emerges out and the meaning of life changes absolutely. He acquires a great wisdom, tenderness of heart and a strong will-power. He is not affected by physical sufferings.

It is home to our pure spirit, this is where a person becomes one with the divine. As one goes through the darkest times, and tragic things happen, and when one has been disillusioned by material gains, one searches for something to answer one’s calls, this is when one starts to look within for the answers one seeks. When that inner peace is found, one becomes whole again.

Its glandular connection is pineal. The pineal gland is located at the top of head. Its primary hormone is melatonin, which influences daily rhythms. It releases the hormones concerned with intuitive and extra-sensory powers. It manages, organises, regulates and controls the functions of all other endocrine glands. It regulates water balance; it controls sex desire. It stimulates growth of nerves. The effect of malfunctioning leads to a premature sex development, sex delinquency, increase in water content and the high blood pressure. It controls the proper flow of cerebrospinal fluid and thus keeps the body strong and healthy. Apart from it, it controls the level of potassium and sodium balance in the body. Its emotional dysfunctions are depression, obsessional thinking and confusion. Its physical dysfunctions are sensitivity to pollution, chronic exhaustion and epilepsy.

Some people make use of lotus if possible or frankincense in which case other fragrances like chrysanthemum or amber camomile are used for the crown chakra though not through pregnancy for accessing star magic such as mystical experiences and direct channelling.


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