



The thalamus is a large, dual lobed mass of grey matter buried under the cerebral cortex. It is a midline symmetrical structure within the brains of vertebrates including humans, situated between the cerebral cortex and midbrain. The thalamus surrounds the third ventricle.

The thalamus is a limbic system structure and it connects areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in sensory perception and movement with other parts of the brain and spinal cord that also have a role in sensation and movement. As a regulator of sensory information, the thalamus also controls sleep and wakeful states of consciousness.

The thalamus is perched on top of the brainstem, near the centre of the brain, with nerve fibres projecting out to the cerebral cortex in all directions. Directionally, it is situated at the top of the brainstem, between the cerebral cortex and midbrain. It is superior to the hypo-thalamus. It is a centrally-located brain structure that controls the flow of all information to the cortex. The thalamus is a paired structure joined at the midline and sitting very near the centre of the brain. In the human, each half is roughly the size and shape of a walnut. There are two major components. First is the dorsal-thalamus, second is the ventral-thalamus. These are about 3 centimetres in length, at the widest part 2.5 centimetres across and about 2 cm in height. The two halves of the thalamus are major bulb-shaped masses located on a slope (about 30°) and symmetrically on each side of the third ventricle.

Its function includes relaying sensory and motor signals to the cerebral cortex, along with the regulation of consciousness, sleep and alertness. It is involved in sensory perception and regulation of motor functions. The major role of thalamus is to modulate the flow of information to cortex.  It represents the final bottleneck of information flow before it gets into cortex, in other words, modified information flow for process of attention and other behavioural requirements. It is more efficient to do this at the level of thalamus before it gets to cortex.

The thalamus is involved in several functions of the body including: motor control, receives auditory, somato sensory and visual sensory signals, and relays sensory signals to the cerebral cortex, controls sleep and awake states. It may be thought of as a kind of switchboard of information. It is generally believed to act as a relay between a variety of sub cortical areas and the cerebral cortex. Thalamic nuclei have strong reciprocal connections with the cerebral cortex that are believed to be involved with consciousness. The role of thalamus is not limited to getting information to cortex in the first place, which is the role of first order relays, but also continues to function in the higher order pathways, thereby providing an essential, ongoing function for cortical processing.

The thalamus plays a major role in regulating arousal, the level of awareness and activity. Damage to the thalamus can lead to permanent coma. The thalamus is involved in mediating the interaction of attention and arousal in humans. The relationship between arousal and attention is closely related to the functions of consciousness. Consciousness is affected by circadian changes of arousal and by the selective influence of attention, which restricts awareness to specific stimuli. The thalamus has to “work harder” in conditions of low arousal to get a performance that is equal to that gained during normal arousal.

Thalamus is that part of body which has a full record of all events of life whether happened or yet to take place. It even records life before birth as well as life after death. It awakens when we are fast asleep. It is the power behind all magic and true dreams. It is responsible for all extra-ordinary, super-natural and spiritual happenings. We wilfully try to awaken it with the help of meditation in order to taste the bliss of spiritual world.



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: UTTANPADASANA (Raised leg pose):     Raised Foot Pose (Uttanpadasana) is a classic pose that is performed in the supine position. The meaning of ‘ut’ is to lift, ‘tan’ is ...



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: HALASANA (Plow Pose): One of the basic yoga poses, the Halasana, also known as plow pose, is done at the end of a yoga session. The posture involves the individua...



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: HANDSTAND POSE (Adho Mukha Varkshasana):   Handstand ( Adho Mukha Varkshasana ) is an adventurous and exhilarating pose that requires commitment, focus, and courage. Method: Pract...



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: WHEEL POSE (Chakrasana):   Wheel Pose ( Chakrasana ) is characterized as a backbend. It requires building up extremely high strength and flexibility to achieve it. ...



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: MONKEY POSE (Hanumanasana):   Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana) is quite possibly one of the most intimidating poses in the yoga practice. It requires lots of opening, acute u...




The entrance for the Kundalini energy is through the first or base chakra which connects us to the earth energy. It runs through the main energy channel and out of the crown chakra. The two most basic forms of energy reach the human system from the base to the crown chakra. These two chakras are linked by the Sushumna, which is connected to the rest of the chakras by their "stems". These stems provide the chakras with essential energy. The Sushumna is at the same time the channel through which the Kundalini energy is stimulated. When it is stimulated, its energy is converted into various frequencies for each of the chakras. The energy is manifested via the lowest frequencies of the base chakra and highest frequencies of the crown chakra. These converted frequencies are conveyed to the subtle bodies and to physical body and they are perceived by us as sensations, emotions and thoughts.

Under certain circumstances, the Kundalini energy awakens and begins to rise through the body, piercing and opening the chakras as it moves in its undulating, snake-like fashion. As Kundalini releases stored and blocked energies, its movement can be quite intense, sometimes painful and often leads to mental states that seem out of this world. Kundalini is a condensed and primal force, similar to the potential energy found in water. When released, it creates a vertical connection between the Chakras by opening the subtle channels known as Nadi, most specifically, the central channel that moves up the spine called Sushumna. If we put water through a small hose at very high pressure, the end of the hose will undulate like a snake. Similarly, the intense energy of Kundalini undulates in the body as it rises through the Chakras. Reiki can also help with struggle with this energy. It will safely and gently awaken it. By opening the Kundalini, the personal development process will pick up the pace. If awakened, Kundalini will complete the cleansing and purification of body layers, Chakras and energy channels. With extra reiki energy, this process will become faster and smoother. When the body layers are cleansed, it will increase our energy vibration and expand our consciousness.

The practice of awakening of Kundalini should be undertaken with patience and devotion. Seated in the Vajrasana or Padmasana posture, firmly take hold of the ankles and slowly beat the kanda [something below the navel from which the 72,000 Nadis issue] with them. By moving the Kundalini fearlessly for about an hour and a half, it is drawn upwards through the Sushumna, which process, it is claimed, surely opens the mouth of the Sushumna and the breath naturally goes through it. Whether this effect is produced by manipulation of the Kundalini or other means, it seems to be the object primarily aimed at in Hatha yoga practice. It is hard and time consuming exercise. Initially, the practitioner should concentrate at the Mooladhara Chakra. He should relax the region between sex organ and anus. Breathing should be slow, deep and consistent. In order to amplify the impact, let him keep his hands in Prithvi Mudra. After some time of systematic and regular practice, a blissful bright illumination appears in Mooladhara Chakra. The image of a red shaded lotus with four petals will be visualised. It is the first stage of the awakening of Kundalini. Let it be stabilized with more practice. With the help of the force of Mooladhara Chakra, he should try to penetrate Swadhisthana Chakra. He should concentrate at it relaxing the base of spine. With an intention to amplify the impact, let him keep his hands in Vrun Mudra. After some time, a blissful bright illumination also appears in Swadhisthana Chakra and the image of an orange shaded lotus with six petals is visualised. Let Kundalini power be stabilized here with more practice, next, he should try to penetrate Manipur chakra with the help of collective forces of Mooladhara Chakra and Swadhisthana Chakra. He should concentrate at it relaxing upper abdomen. For the purpose of amplifying the impact, let him keep his hands in Surya Mudra. After some time, a blissful bright illumination also happens in Manipur Chakra and the image of a bright yellow shaded lotus with ten petals is visualised. Let Kundalini power be stabilised here with more practice. Next, he should try to penetrate Anahat Chakra with the help of collective forces of lower chakras. He should concentrate at it relaxing upper chest in front of heart. In order to amplify the impact, let him keep his hands in vayu Mudra. After some time, a blissful bright illumination also appears in Anahat Chakra and the image of a green shaded lotus with twelve petals is visualised. Let Kundalini power be stabilized here with more practice. Next, he should try to penetrate Vishudh Chakra with the help of collective forces of all the Chakras below it. He should concentrate at it relaxing the base of throat. With an intention to amplify the impact, let him keep his hands in Pran Mudra. After some time, a blissful bright illumination also takes place in Vishudh Chakra and the image of a sea shaded blue lotus with sixteen petals is visualised. Let Kundalini power be stabilized here with more practice. Next, he should try to penetrate Aaggya Chakra with the help of collective forces of all the Chakras below it. He should concentrate at it relaxing the region between the eyebrows. For the purpose of amplifying the impact, let him keep his hands in Shunya Mudra. After some time, a blissful bright illumination also takes place in Aaggya Chakra and the image of an indigo shaded lotus with two petals appears. Let Kundalini power be stabilized here with more practice. At last, he should try to penetrate Sahastrar Chakra with the help of collective forces of all other Chakras. He should concentrate at it relaxing the top of head. To amplify the impact, let him keep his hands in Jnan Mudra. After some time, a blissful bright illumination also happens in this Chakra and the image of a purple or golden shaded lotus with one thousand petals is visualised. Let Kundalini be stabilized here with more practice. It is said to be the state of enlightenment. The soul comes to its own and attains natural state of equipoise (Sahej or Samadhi). The practitioner acquires a new sense of self-realization at this stage.

At each stage of practice, the practitioner listens to a different type of charming musical sound which encourages him to be engaged in deep meditation. These tuneful sounds are called Audible-life-stream (shabad or Naam or Naad). The experience undergone while awakening of Kundalini is almost impossible to explain in words. It is a strange bliss of spiritual world.

Kundalini is in essence a healing force, but its effects can sometimes be quite distasteful. Such effects may last for minutes, days, months or even years. Circumstances that stimulate Kundalini awakening are many and varied, but are typically triggered by such things as extended periods of meditation, yoga, fasting, stress, trauma, psychedelic drugs, or near death experiences. Kundalini can also be seen as a result of the chakras connecting to each other. In theory, as the chakras expand, the spinning of one can enhance the vibration of the one above or below it.

If you find yourself dealing with uncomfortable Kundalini awakening symptoms, you should get rid of impurities of the body. You should abstain from recreational drugs and intoxicants etc. You should avoid food additives, high sugars or greasy foods. You should eat well, especially protein which is generally grounding. You should get massage and vigorous exercise. You should reduce stress. If you are in for a major spiritual transformation, make time for the necessary changes in your life. You may need to devote more time to your spirituality or health. You should find support. Find other who has knowledge of this experience. You should educate yourself. Read about Kundalini, kundalini awakening, yoga and learn about chakras. You should treat underlying psychological issues. As Kundalini brings up unsolved issues, this is the best time to deal with them. It will make the trip smoother. You should observe your spiritual practices. You might need to stop meditating for a while, if it increases unpleasant Kundalini awakening symptoms. See what increases or decreases the unpleasant effects. Kundalini is most difficult when the energy is moving upward without enough energy moving downward to balance. Look into the possibility of the first chakra issues that need to be resolved in order to give a firmer base. You should try out basic knowledge. Practice grounding exercise daily.

During the process of awakening of Kundalini, the spiritual powers (Sidhis) namely Anhima, Mahima, Ladhima, Garima, Prapti, Prakamya, Vashitawa and Ishitwa are automatically gained. The practitioner feels the bliss of spiritual world at the time awakening of Kundalini and he experiences a great change in his personality and character. He attains immense spiritual powers and undergoes a state of ecstasy. The experience of bliss cannot be expressed in words fairly. He realizes that his soul is a tiny part of whole i.e. almighty and omnipresent God, like a drop of water to the ocean. He elevates himself from the mundane attractions. He acquires a saintly character and librates himself from worldly bondages.

Ultimate aim of human life is to attain salvation. The awakening of Kundalini paves the way for salvation. The salvation means that our soul remerges into its origin i.e. the Supreme Soul. Some people support this view while others do not agree with it pleading that if it happens like this, then how the incidents of rebirth take place. In fact, both the views are correct, the difference occurs because of looking at the same thing from different angles. Our souls and the Supreme soul are assumed to be invisible subtle lights. The purer souls stand nearer the Supreme Soul while others stand at a distance depending upon degree of purity or impurity. According to yogic philosophy, the impure souls have to undergo the process of rebirth in one or the other form of life depending on their past deeds committed under the influence of passions like lust, anger, attachment, greed and ego etc. The greater is the degree of passions, the higher will be the impurity of a soul. On the other hand, the purer souls rarely undergo the process of rebirth. They become free from the cycle of rebirth, sustenance and death. When their purity equals with that of the Supreme Soul, they remerge into the later. The purpose of rebirth is to acquire more purity and it is possible only when we keep the passions under control. It is possible only through meditation.

The awakening of Kundalini is the complete exercise performed for self-realization. Human life grants a rare and golden opportunity for this purpose. Let it not be wasted anymore.



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: CENTRE SPLIT POSE (Samakonasana):   Centre Splits Pose (Samakonasana) is the straight angle pose and is said to be one of the most effective poses of yoga.  Keep in mind that...



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: PEACOCK POSE (Mayurasana):   Peacock Pose ( Mayurasana ) is an advanced hand-balancing yoga pose which is the most associated with Hatha Yoga. Method: To build stren...



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: COBRA POSE (Bhujangasana):   Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) is a back bending pose. Before you attempt any back-bending posture, ensure that your body is sufficiently warme...


GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: SEATED FORWARD BEND POSE (Paschimottanasana):   Seated Forward Bend Pose ( Paschimottanasana ) gives the whole support to your body‚ a good stretch, from your calves to your spine. Met...




The Kundalini energy is one's hidden divine energy. The Kundalini energy in its dormant state is visualized as a snake coiled up in the first chakra at the base of the spine, the Mooladhara Chakra. Kundalini is a dormant energy within most people. In yogic tradition, Kundalini is a serpent goddess who lies asleep at the base of the spine, coiled three and a half times around the first chakra. Her name is Kundalini Shakti, and she represents the unfolding of the divine energy, the energizing potential of life itself, a living goddess who enlivens all things. When the Kundalini energy awakens, the Nadi system is vitalized. The awakened Kundalini energy moves upwards in the central Nadi the sushumna, passing through each of the lower chakras to reach the seventh, the Sahastrar Chakra. This process is known in Kundalini yoga. Laya yoga is also called Kundalini yoga, because the raising of Kundalini energy to unite her with the supreme consciousness is the main objective, which is reached through deep meditation (Dhayana). The release and ascent of the dormant spiritual Kundalini energy in Kundalini yoga enables the aspirant to rise above the effects of the elements and attain consciousness that brings emancipation from the ever-changing world of illusion (Maya).

According to ‘Yoga Sutra’, Oja is the most elevated form of energy in human body i.e. radiance which is stored in the head. The more is Oja, the greater is the intelligence. It is present in everybody. The energy which stays in the Mooladhara Chakra is spent up in the form of sexual energy. It may be made to travel upwards and is transformed into Oja with the help of yoga.

Yoga drift and Yona (lust) drift are two opposing poles in human body. Both of them are present proportionately i.e. if one is 40%, the other will be 60%. This proportion fluctuates every moment. We get food, magnet and water from earth. It increases the ratio of three elements namely earth, water and fire in the body. Consequently, Yona drift exhibits an upward movement. On the other hand, we get air, electricity, radiation etc. from the environment above earth. It raises the level of air and space elements in the body. As a result, Yoga drift enhances. One experiences a spiritual upliftment. An increase in Yona drift causes restlessness. Both these opposing forces can never move into the same direction simultaneously. If one goes up, the other will have a fall and vice-versa. Earth attracts what we get from it i.e. water and earth ingredients while the space attracts air and space elements, which we get from the environment. One force may be more dominant but cannot do away with the other. Therefore, for a spiritual achievement, Yona drift is to be controlled in order to give way to yoga drift. The flow of Yona drift is downward on account of the earth element whereas the flow of Yoga drift is upward in consequence of the space element. The flow of Yona drift may be reversed to gain Yoga drift. That is why a yogi begins meditation from the lowest Chakra and then moves upward to higher Chakras at the time of awakening of Kundalini.     

The brain and central nerves system get nutrition through cerebrospinal fluid. When it passes through the spinal cord and goes from the brain to coccyx, electricity produced in cerebellum is stored in prostate where it remains idle and is called the Kundalini in yogic philosophy. Through meditation, this latent electric power can be awakened and made to move upwards through different Chakras. When the electricity reaches the brain, it reactivates 2.4 to 3.3 billion cells of the brain and a sense of new awakening (knowledge) starts emerging out of mind. One gets new perception of things and a new meaning of life. The penetration of this electricity through the pituitary gland and pineal gland changes the whole character and outlook of a person. This process is called awakening of Kundalini. It moves via Sushumna Nadi from Mooladhara Chakra to sahastrar chakra penetrating other Chakras. It is the state of Brahma.

 For the purpose of awakening the Kundalini, a sufficient supply of the universal life force is needed. The life energy present in the body is not adequate and, thus, does not serve the purpose. Therefore, the universal life force wide-spread around us has to be attracted and absorbed in the body in order to penetrate Kundalini power laying dormant in the Mooladhara Chakra. First of all, air is inhaled through right nostril shutting the left one. It is supposed that this air abounds sufficient universal life force. This life energy is made to reach Mooladhara Chakra through a negative electric current via ida nadi. When this air comes back through a positive electric flow via Pingala Nadi, it increases heat in the body. In the next step, the process is reversed. Now the air is inhaled through left nostril and the universal life force is made to enter the body via Pingala Nadi and return via Ida Nadi. It increases coolness in the body. All this process is called Surya-Bhedan Pranayama or Anulome-Vilome Pranayama. This Pranayama is very important for raising the level of the universal life force in the body in order to awaken Kundalini.




GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: SHOULDER STAND POSE (Sarvangasana):   Shoulder Stand Pose (Sarvangasana) has a favourable effect on entire body. Method: Shoulder Stand Pose is safer and easier to perform. ...



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: STANDING FORWARD BEND POSE (Uttanasana): Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana) will soothe your mind. It is a calming posture that lengthens the hamstrings and activates the inner...



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: AN INTERVIEW BY RIK VARGAS:   1.  Sat Nam! Good to see in this spiritual environment) how is the educational process, students are replenished? Meditation is my passi...



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: MOUNTAIN POSE (Tadasana):   The foundation of all standing poses, Mountain Pose (Tadasana) makes a great starting position, resting pose, or tool to improve posture. ...


GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: HEAD STAND POSE (Sirsasana):   Headstand (Sirsasana) is a great yoga posture with tons of benefits that help a practitioner (Sadhak) stay fit and healthy and improve the...




The human body has an acido-alkaline base which is represented by grey and white matter in the brain and on account of their action and reaction, electricity is produced in the body. It is not known whether the white matter stands for the positive and the grey matter for negative and vice-versa.

When blood passes through the cerebellum (small brain), electricity is produced. The cerebellum is a bundle of nerves like an armature Dynamo in a car. The brain gets the positive current through the first ventricle and the negative current through the second ventricle. These currents recharge brain cells and keep neurons working. The unconscious internal activities of the body are controlled and regulated with it. Furthermore, it coordinates the muscular movements, maintains posture and equilibrium of the body. It has been found that there are three types of electric waves — Alpha (α), Beta (β) and Gama (γ) which are produced in the brain cells. The current of electricity, known as Chetna, passes in the lines. These lines are called meridians. They start from the tip of each finger of the right hand, go all over the body and end in the toe of the right foot and similarly it happen on the left side. The cerebellum controls all the activities till birth. Its control is taken over by the cerebrum after birth.

When we breathe through the right nostril, the degree of our internal heat increases, the air enters into the brain and recharges + (positive) part of our brain cells.  At that time, recharged blood goes into first ventricle and heat (+) is stored. When it reaches the peak level, the current flows towards – (negative) and breathing mechanically changes to the left nostril, when we breathe through the left nostril, the degree of our Internal heat decreases. The blood charged with the air breathed through left nostril goes into second ventricle and recharges negative till it reaches a peak level and the current flows from the negative to positive. So, change in the level of positive and negative goes on and the electricity so produced goes on flowing into the body.

All the signals or commands from or to mind are executed through human electricity or Chetna via nervous system. This Chetna produces a spark in the middle of the heart. Consequently heart expands. It shrinks when the spark extinguishes. In this way, the palpitation or heart-beat takes place.

All the endocrine glands and the five elements, i.e. earth, water, fire, air and space, are controlled by this Bio-electricity. These elements make up metabolism of our body. Bio-electricity comes from natural life battery which has been installed in our body at the time of conception. This life battery generates white dazzling spiritual illumination which can be seen all the way through certain yogic ways.



GRAND MASTER MEDITATION: A YOGA AND MEDITATION MEETING:   A yoga and meditation meeting was held last night at the inauguration of   Yogaira Studio in Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region, Russia where ...