


The Kundalini energy is one's hidden divine energy. The Kundalini energy in its dormant state is visualized as a snake coiled up in the first chakra at the base of the spine, the Mooladhara Chakra. Kundalini is a dormant energy within most people. In yogic tradition, Kundalini is a serpent goddess who lies asleep at the base of the spine, coiled three and a half times around the first chakra. Her name is Kundalini Shakti, and she represents the unfolding of the divine energy, the energizing potential of life itself, a living goddess who enlivens all things. When the Kundalini energy awakens, the Nadi system is vitalized. The awakened Kundalini energy moves upwards in the central Nadi the sushumna, passing through each of the lower chakras to reach the seventh, the Sahastrar Chakra. This process is known in Kundalini yoga. Laya yoga is also called Kundalini yoga, because the raising of Kundalini energy to unite her with the supreme consciousness is the main objective, which is reached through deep meditation (Dhayana). The release and ascent of the dormant spiritual Kundalini energy in Kundalini yoga enables the aspirant to rise above the effects of the elements and attain consciousness that brings emancipation from the ever-changing world of illusion (Maya).

According to ‘Yoga Sutra’, Oja is the most elevated form of energy in human body i.e. radiance which is stored in the head. The more is Oja, the greater is the intelligence. It is present in everybody. The energy which stays in the Mooladhara Chakra is spent up in the form of sexual energy. It may be made to travel upwards and is transformed into Oja with the help of yoga.

Yoga drift and Yona (lust) drift are two opposing poles in human body. Both of them are present proportionately i.e. if one is 40%, the other will be 60%. This proportion fluctuates every moment. We get food, magnet and water from earth. It increases the ratio of three elements namely earth, water and fire in the body. Consequently, Yona drift exhibits an upward movement. On the other hand, we get air, electricity, radiation etc. from the environment above earth. It raises the level of air and space elements in the body. As a result, Yoga drift enhances. One experiences a spiritual upliftment. An increase in Yona drift causes restlessness. Both these opposing forces can never move into the same direction simultaneously. If one goes up, the other will have a fall and vice-versa. Earth attracts what we get from it i.e. water and earth ingredients while the space attracts air and space elements, which we get from the environment. One force may be more dominant but cannot do away with the other. Therefore, for a spiritual achievement, Yona drift is to be controlled in order to give way to yoga drift. The flow of Yona drift is downward on account of the earth element whereas the flow of Yoga drift is upward in consequence of the space element. The flow of Yona drift may be reversed to gain Yoga drift. That is why a yogi begins meditation from the lowest Chakra and then moves upward to higher Chakras at the time of awakening of Kundalini.     

The brain and central nerves system get nutrition through cerebrospinal fluid. When it passes through the spinal cord and goes from the brain to coccyx, electricity produced in cerebellum is stored in prostate where it remains idle and is called the Kundalini in yogic philosophy. Through meditation, this latent electric power can be awakened and made to move upwards through different Chakras. When the electricity reaches the brain, it reactivates 2.4 to 3.3 billion cells of the brain and a sense of new awakening (knowledge) starts emerging out of mind. One gets new perception of things and a new meaning of life. The penetration of this electricity through the pituitary gland and pineal gland changes the whole character and outlook of a person. This process is called awakening of Kundalini. It moves via Sushumna Nadi from Mooladhara Chakra to sahastrar chakra penetrating other Chakras. It is the state of Brahma.

 For the purpose of awakening the Kundalini, a sufficient supply of the universal life force is needed. The life energy present in the body is not adequate and, thus, does not serve the purpose. Therefore, the universal life force wide-spread around us has to be attracted and absorbed in the body in order to penetrate Kundalini power laying dormant in the Mooladhara Chakra. First of all, air is inhaled through right nostril shutting the left one. It is supposed that this air abounds sufficient universal life force. This life energy is made to reach Mooladhara Chakra through a negative electric current via ida nadi. When this air comes back through a positive electric flow via Pingala Nadi, it increases heat in the body. In the next step, the process is reversed. Now the air is inhaled through left nostril and the universal life force is made to enter the body via Pingala Nadi and return via Ida Nadi. It increases coolness in the body. All this process is called Surya-Bhedan Pranayama or Anulome-Vilome Pranayama. This Pranayama is very important for raising the level of the universal life force in the body in order to awaken Kundalini.


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