

Prayer is a science with which you can tune the human mind and will to the consciousness and will of God. Through prayer, you form a loving, personal relationship with God, and His answer never changes. The Lord answers all and works for all. Rarely do people realize how often God hears their prayers. He is not partial to a few, but listens to everyone who approaches Him with confidence. His children must always have implicit faith in the loving kindness of their Omnipresent Father. By patiently and perseveringly applying the infinite power of God, you can create any circumstances you desire and remove hardships and illnesses with His love and help, not only for yourself but for others also.

It is the golden key to harmony and happiness. Understanding this reality and putting it into practice is the foundation of scientific prayer. It tunes into God's way of thinking about health, harmony, and perfection, and then uses willpower to direct the energy to make those images come true. The science of prayer allows you to align your mind and will with God's mind and purposes. Through prayer you develop an intimate, loving relationship with God, and He always answers.

Some people see prayer as a vague and ineffective exercise in wishful thinking. The average person resorts to prayer only when in trouble and when all other options have failed. But true prayer is scientific—it is based on the exact laws that govern all of creation—and is a daily necessity for a harmonious life.

Your physical bodies and the material world in which you live are bundles of invisible structures of energy. This energy, in turn, is an expression of the subtler planes of thought - the subtlest vibration - which governs all manifestations of energy and matter. All creation was created by God first in the form of a thought or idea. Then the Divine Consciousness wished that these thought forms condense into light and energy and, finally, into the grosser vibrations of matter.

As human beings made in the image of God, you are different from the lower forms of creation: you have the freedom to use the same powers of thought and energy. With the thoughts you normally cherish and act upon, you create the circumstances in which your life unfolds. Scientific prayer is based on an understanding of this truth and on the application of the universal forces of creation: it tunes in to God's thought patterns of health, harmony, and perfection, and then uses willpower to direct energy to materialize those patterns.

With God's love and infinite power, you can work hard and be patient to get what you want and get rid of problems and illnesses, not only for yourself, but for everyone also. You can help yourself or anyone else in any situation by praying scientifically. This is the secret to peace and contentment. This may seem like a bold statement to people unfamiliar with the most powerful force in existence, but a fair trial will show that it is undoubtedly true. No one can or should be trusted with their word. Simply put, try it.

You are created in the likeness of God and have power over everything, and God is omnipotent. This is an inspired teaching and should be interpreted literally and unconditionally. The ability to access this power is not exclusive to mystics, saints, or even highly skilled practitioners, as is often assumed. Everyone has this skill. The golden key to harmony is in your hands right now, no matter who you are or where you are. This is to ensure that your individual limitations or shortcomings do not matter, because God, not you, is at work in scientific prayer.

Scientific prayer can offer the same benefits as meditation. Your neurological system may become more relaxed, turning off the fight or flight response. As a result, you may become less irritable. Prayer can help a person feel connected, whether it be to a higher power, to their values, or to what they consider important in life. In addition, prayer can help with isolation, anxiety, and fear. Like many important concepts, the actual working mechanism of scientific prayer is simple in itself. All you have to do is turn your attention from the problem, whatever it is, to God. 

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