


Since ancient times, a strong and pervasive belief in the efficacy of prayer for the living and the dead has reinforced the notion that consciousness is not limited to the physical body. Prayer can bring about changes in the physical circumstances of the living. Prayer follows the scientific view of things by focusing on two broad categories of prayer: petitionary and intercessory. In petitionary prayer, you ask for something for yourself; in intercessory prayer, you pray to a higher power for the good of others (living or dead).

When you pray for others and for yourself, you ask a higher power to bring about a certain outcome. This is what distinguishes prayer from positive thinking. Positive thinking includes nothing more than one's own mind, one's own desires, but petitionary and intercessory prayers are placed in the context of a higher power. For this reason, positive thinking does not fit into the category of prayer, although it is often confused with it.

Whether it be a petitionary or intercessory, prayer clearly challenges the mechanistic view of the world. According to this view, there is no way that thoughts that go on in your head, which create at best small electrochemical disturbances that are barely noticeable a few inches from your head even with a highly sensitive device, can possibly affect someone or something at a remote distance.

The answer to prayer depends on the power and will of God, not on the petitioners. God does not depend on the number of prayers or geographic distances, but answers at different times and in ways that are not always expected by those who pray. The answer to prayer may come in the form of increased ability to cope with sickness and tragedy, not necessarily in acts of miraculous intervention or healing.

If you were practicing positive thinking, or some of the more focused forms of petitionary prayer, you could use telepathic explanations, and if it were a prayer that affects physical objects, you could say it's psycho-kinesis. But such explanations only serve to replace one set of explanations, which lie outside the scope of modern mechanistic science, with another set. There is nothing in mechanistic science that could allow simple thoughts inside your mind, expressed in the form of prayer or positive thinking, to affect things at a distance. It just can't happen.

The key to understanding prayer as a scientific phenomenon requires abandoning the idea that the mind is somehow located inside the brain. If you believe that your mind is limited by your brain, then since what happens in your brain happens in the privacy and isolation of your own skull, no one else can be affected by it. By their very nature, however, minds are seen as fields, and mental fields are seen as the basis for habitual thought patterns. Mental fields go beyond the electromagnetic patterns of the brain and interact with them. Thus, mental fields can affect your body through your brain. However, they are much larger than your brain and, in some cases, extend for great distances.

Once you have the idea that the mind can spread through these mental fields and over great distances, you will have a means of communication through which the power of prayer can work. You are no longer dealing with a purely mechanical system in the brain, with no way to link the brain and the observed effect, for if this were the phenomenon of effective prayer, it would have to be dismissed as a fallacy or a coincidence. However, with the mental field, you have a medium for a range of connections between you and the people, animals, and places you know and care about with the rest of the world. When you pray, these expanded mental fields will be the context in which prayer could work non-locally.

If everything in nature is organized by fields, and if mental fields are a more subtle kind of fields, you don't have a sharp dichotomy - you have fields that operate through fields at all levels of reality. Thus, the problem of mind and body ceases to be a sharp dichotomy. The act of prayer has several benefits that have a positive effect on both the person who is praying and the recipient of the prayers. There is compelling scientific evidence that faith and prayer can help you become healthier physically, mentally, and psychologically.

Successful prayer depends to a large extent on the ability to concentrate - the ability to free the mind from distractions and direct it in one direction to what you want. Just as the scattered rays of the sun can be gathered with a magnifying glass to create an intense burning force, so the subtle yet powerful energy hidden in thoughts, feelings and spoken words may be gathered into a powerful prayer through a specific method of concentration. Vast reserves of mental power may be tapped through concentration, a power that can be used in any outward or inward endeavour to experience one's unchanging relationship with God.

People who pray benefit from a sense of emotional support. Imagine that you carry a backpack hour after hour. It will start to feel incredibly heavy. But if you can hand it to someone else to hold it for a while, it will feel lighter when you pick it up again. This allows you to mentally set aside your burdens for a while and rest. People who turn to God as a partner or collaborator in their lives have had better mental and physical health outcomes, and people who are angry with God feel punished or abandoned, or who shirk responsibility and rely on God to find solutions have worse results. It's like having a loving relationship with your partner.





Faith is a complete conviction that He [God] can do what He has promised. Even if you fear that your faith is weak, when you call upon God, you exercise and strengthen it. God seeks to turn your doubts into strong faith. He will help your faith grow. Realizing your great need and trusting in the fullness of God will open your heart to receive Him. Moreover, if you hide anger, selfishness, greed, etc. in your heart, you are limiting God's ability to work with you. If you choose to trust yourself and cherish things like pride, you are pushing God away. You are told that it is sin that separates you from your loving, merciful God who is ready to forgive and save. When all known sins are confessed and corrected, you can pray to God and trust that He will answer.

Prayer is much more than reciting a wish list. You don't want to limit God to a cosmic vending machine when He wants to be so much more in your life. He wants to be your character builder, refining you as you grow and mature. When life is good and easy, or when life is hard and difficult, He invites you to seek His will in the midst of it all. You are invited to live in awareness of His presence and to be at peace. Moreover, He calls you not only to seek Him in prayer, but also to have faith, believing that He will answer.

No matter what hardship or pain you may go through, you can cling to God through prayer. God is not the one who brings problems and pain into your life. Sometimes it is the result of your own choice, and sometimes it is simply the result of sin created by the devil. But God promises that when you come to Him for help, He will be there for you. You may claim His promises and trust that when you pass through the waters of doubt and trial, He will be with you. You will not be overtaken. God's presence will guide you.

It is important to remember that God's time is not always the same as your time. He knows the beginning from the end. He knows how everything will work together for your good. Part of faith is knowing that your point of view is very limited and trusting God who knows what is best for you, even when things don't feel right. God's plan may not be what you expect, but His plan is always better!

Prayer is good for you. The medical impact of faith on health is not a matter of faith, but of science. No one argues that the prayer of those who believe in the healing power of prayer might really calm the soul, relieve stress and lead to reduced hypertension, controlled headaches and strengthened immunity. But the sugar pill, offered as if it were a real therapy, can do the same as real medicine. Such is the power of positive faith.

God is at the core of all creation. God is not some small spiritual factor that occasionally diverts the course of nature from time to time, but the foundation of all that exists. God does not work in the spaces of what you do not yet understand, but in and through nature. Thus, although your Lord's model prayer teaches you to recognize your dependence on God for your basic needs, it does not see God as a heavenly vending machine whose levers you pull in your prayers. Historical evidence suggests that the prayers of finite humans do not manipulate the infinite God.

Even for those who believe that God intervenes in answer to prayer, there is a practical reason to expect zero effect. Some people believe that prayers spoken in faith have power. But are there any or many people of faith who also believe that prayers called forth by a doubting scientist will be similarly effective? Scientific testing involves doubt. The scientific attitude involves being sceptical but not cynical, open but not gullible. In this doubting but curious spirit, scientists put contending theories and claims to the test.

You easily misperceive your behaviour as correlated to later events and thus easily delude yourself into thinking that you can predict or influence uncontrollable events. Moreover, you are predisposed to find order in random events, interpret results according to your preconceptions, to look for and recall cases that confirm your beliefs, and are more convinced by vivid anecdotes than by statistical reality.

  You readily perceive relationships where none exist, especially where you expect to see them,

  You readily perceive causal relationships among events that are correlated only by chance, and

  You readily believe that you have control over events that are actually beyond your control.

A perceived correlation that doesn't actually exist is an illusory correlation. When you believe that there is a connection between two things, you are likely to notice and recall instances that support your belief. A frequent result is an illusory correlation. Illusory correlations help explain many superstitions, such as the presumption that more children are born on a full moon, or that infertile couples who adopt a child are more likely to become pregnant. Those who conceive after adoption attract your attention. You are less likely to notice those who adopt and never conceive, or those who conceive without adopting.

Superstitious magic is act that is only a means to a definite end expected later on. On the other hand, religious acts are in themselves the fulfilment of their purpose. Magic is a manipulative technique; worship is an end in itself, something really worth doing. When religion is sold as magic, using exaggerated evidence that falsely portrays faith as the path to unproblematic health, wealth, and success, the follower is disappointed. Exaggeration breeds doubt in those who do not achieve the expected results, and provokes feelings of inferiority in listeners who compare their lives with the glamorous successes of their fellow believers. If you repeatedly hear testimonies saying, “God has healed all my woes,” but find that your woes remain, you may either feel guilty about your perceived lack of faith or begin to wonder if religion is a farce.

But surely God cares for you more than you can imagine. Although religion does not promise that you will be spared from grief, humiliation, misfortune, sickness, and death, yet it does offer a perspective from which to look at such events and the promise that God is beside you in your suffering. Through defeat, suffering and even death, you will never be abandoned.

Prayer does not contain attempts to manipulate God. It does not try to persuade a miserly god to do something for which he would not have the goodwill and good sense anyway. It has the quality of a confessional statement asserting God's nature and man's dependence on God's grace. Therefore, it prepares a person to receive what God already provides.

Prayer is not magical, but mystical. In silent meditation and prayer you experience the reality of the living God. When God speaks to you and you speak to God, you change. Falling to your knees or bowing your head reminds you of your humble dependence. Praying for others makes you more aware of their needs. Prayer can also be seen as an answer, as an effect rather than as a cause.

If your Creator loves you as an all-loving parent loves a child, then you, as children, can communicate with God unceasingly. You can share even the little concerns of daily existence —everything worth worrying about—just like a child does with its parents, or like two close friends with each other. You can give every corner of your life to prayer, not with the superstitious intent of manipulating magical solutions to life's problems, but with the assurance that prayer is the means of grace through whereby you grow and become sensitive to God's presence.




Prayer is a science with which you can tune the human mind and will to the consciousness and will of God. Through prayer, you form a loving, personal relationship with God, and His answer never changes. The Lord answers all and works for all. Rarely do people realize how often God hears their prayers. He is not partial to a few, but listens to everyone who approaches Him with confidence. His children must always have implicit faith in the loving kindness of their Omnipresent Father. By patiently and perseveringly applying the infinite power of God, you can create any circumstances you desire and remove hardships and illnesses with His love and help, not only for yourself but for others also.

It is the golden key to harmony and happiness. Understanding this reality and putting it into practice is the foundation of scientific prayer. It tunes into God's way of thinking about health, harmony, and perfection, and then uses willpower to direct the energy to make those images come true. The science of prayer allows you to align your mind and will with God's mind and purposes. Through prayer you develop an intimate, loving relationship with God, and He always answers.

Some people see prayer as a vague and ineffective exercise in wishful thinking. The average person resorts to prayer only when in trouble and when all other options have failed. But true prayer is scientific—it is based on the exact laws that govern all of creation—and is a daily necessity for a harmonious life.

Your physical bodies and the material world in which you live are bundles of invisible structures of energy. This energy, in turn, is an expression of the subtler planes of thought - the subtlest vibration - which governs all manifestations of energy and matter. All creation was created by God first in the form of a thought or idea. Then the Divine Consciousness wished that these thought forms condense into light and energy and, finally, into the grosser vibrations of matter.

As human beings made in the image of God, you are different from the lower forms of creation: you have the freedom to use the same powers of thought and energy. With the thoughts you normally cherish and act upon, you create the circumstances in which your life unfolds. Scientific prayer is based on an understanding of this truth and on the application of the universal forces of creation: it tunes in to God's thought patterns of health, harmony, and perfection, and then uses willpower to direct energy to materialize those patterns.

With God's love and infinite power, you can work hard and be patient to get what you want and get rid of problems and illnesses, not only for yourself, but for everyone also. You can help yourself or anyone else in any situation by praying scientifically. This is the secret to peace and contentment. This may seem like a bold statement to people unfamiliar with the most powerful force in existence, but a fair trial will show that it is undoubtedly true. No one can or should be trusted with their word. Simply put, try it.

You are created in the likeness of God and have power over everything, and God is omnipotent. This is an inspired teaching and should be interpreted literally and unconditionally. The ability to access this power is not exclusive to mystics, saints, or even highly skilled practitioners, as is often assumed. Everyone has this skill. The golden key to harmony is in your hands right now, no matter who you are or where you are. This is to ensure that your individual limitations or shortcomings do not matter, because God, not you, is at work in scientific prayer.

Scientific prayer can offer the same benefits as meditation. Your neurological system may become more relaxed, turning off the fight or flight response. As a result, you may become less irritable. Prayer can help a person feel connected, whether it be to a higher power, to their values, or to what they consider important in life. In addition, prayer can help with isolation, anxiety, and fear. Like many important concepts, the actual working mechanism of scientific prayer is simple in itself. All you have to do is turn your attention from the problem, whatever it is, to God. 




When it comes to prayer, there is no "hidden secret." God is always with you and ready to listen. There are many ways to pray:

  Use words - think, speak or sing them,

  Say "Amen" to someone else's prayer,

  Give your feelings to God,

  Do something prayerful,

  Be quiet with God – on your own or with others.

You are destined to live a successful life. God has great plans for you. He has left a legacy of abundance for you to enjoy. But the will of God is not automatic. You have to play your part. If you're ready to experience 100 percent success in prayer, here are seven steps to prayer as follows that will bring results:

Step 1: Base your prayers on god’s word

This is the assurance you have when you draw near to God: if you ask anything according to His will, He will hear you. The key to seeing the results, God wants you to achieve through prayer is not just shooting random arrows into the air in the hope that something might happen. If you want to hit the bull's-eye every time you pray, your prayers must be based on the Word of God. So the first step to prayers that bring results is to find the promise or promises that fit your situation in the Word of God. Then, shoot the prayer boldly and confidently. When you focus on the answer, it will activate your faith.

Step 2: Submerge your prayers in faith

Once you begin to pray based on the Word of God, the next step to effective prayer is to immerse your prayers in faith. This means you don't wait for the manifestation to believe what you get - that's not faith! It may seem difficult at first, but as you practice the application of your faith, it will become a way of life for you. Here are some quick tips on how to add faith to your prayers:

   Believe that you receive when you pray: God's Word is always true. If He says it's done, it's done. So, when you pray, start moving yourself from believing ‘He can’ to knowing ‘He will’.

   Speak it: Begin your confession of faith before you see the manifestation of answers to your prayers. Then hold fast to your confession without hesitation. Don't talk faith today and doubt the next day. Hold on tightly; do not let go; and no matter how tempting it might be, speak the Word only of your situation.

   Act on it: Every single time you act in faith with that kind of stubborn determination in the Word of God, you will always come out victorious.

Step 3: Stop fear in its tracks

Satan is a master trickster. But since he has no real power, he has to rely on the same old tactics. The main thing is fear. Fear is exhausting. It will interfere with your faith in the Word of God, prevent you from receiving, and deprive you of the blessing. But Satan is wrong 100% of the time. If you want to see results in your prayer, fear and doubt should no longer be part of your vocabulary. You don't always have to say everything you think! And you certainly don't have to say things that you don't mean. Clean up your vocabulary and start speaking the Word of God. Don't let doubt and fear enter your mind.

Step 4: See yourself succeeding

Part of having faith for prayer that brings results is seeing how you succeed and master what you believe in. This means that you see it with your spiritual eyes. When you can truly see it, not just in your mind but deep in your spirit, it will become a reality for you—as real as a natural manifestation. This is the kind of prayer with faith that brings results. Without revelation, there is no restoration. To see your success, you need to avoid places, people and situations that speak of failure. You can't be around people who talk about failure all the time. In the end, it will come down to you. Decide right now to be successful. Plan for success, plan for victory, and plan for everything that you believe in. Expand your faith as far as possible. "I can't" shouldn't be in your vocabulary.

Step 5: Testify that your prayer is answered

Your testimony is a powerful tool in your prayer life. When you testify of answered prayer, you accomplish two things:

  You claim what is rightfully yours. You have an enemy who wants to steal, kill and destroy your rights. When you testify to your right, this begins to happen in your life.

  Your testimony of faith will encourage others and help strengthen their faith.

Step 6: Get involved by helping someone else

Faith works by love. In other words, if you want your faith to be at a level that will bear fruit in your prayer life, you must express that faith through love for others. Your faith is strengthened when you reach out to others. So if you stand and believe in something in prayer, help someone else. Tell someone else what God has done for you. When you do, all your problems will seem to fold up and roll away. True prosperity is the ability to use the power of God to meet the needs of mankind in all areas of life.

Step 7: Get on the giving end

If you want to be the receiving end of prayer that brings results, start by joining the giving end. If you need healing, pray for someone else to be healed. The way you measure out is how it will be measured back. If you need more time, give away what little you have and ask God to redeem it for you - He will return it in abundance. Walk in the light you have and God will give you more. God is looking for someone He can use to become a channel of His blessings. You can become a rich blessing of giving, not just receiving. If you’ll take the receiving end off your mind, and focus on giving, you’ll be in position for answered prayer.

In conclusion, when you decide to take these seven steps, your prayers will bring results every time. You no longer have to struggle in your prayer room.




The purposes of prayer are many. Through prayer, you thank and praise God, you humbly confess your sin and acknowledge your dependence on God's grace, you express your concerns, and experience a relationship with God, and you seek inner peace and strength to live. The main purpose of prayer is to appeal to God for his protection and care, as well as a call for the well-being and prosperity of all mankind, as well as a means for worshiper to thank God for all that he has done. In many ways, prayer can seem forced and even useless in the light of God's unchanging will and His all-sufficient sovereignty. What is the point of praying if God already knows your every need and can clearly see your heart? For many, the practice of prayer has become an unequal exchange full of unanswered requests. Or maybe prayer is very much like an emergency number. When you are faced with fears or are suddenly shaken by suffering, do you quickly ask God in His power to resolve your circumstances and rebuild your world? Unfortunately, in all these cases, prayer is reduced to a means of getting something from God. The danger of this view lies in its superficial and often vague view of God's disposition. Your frustration comes from your lack of spiritual awareness. Here are some important purposes of prayer:

1. Prayer is a place of honest expression: When you experience the pain of suffering or the grip of anxiety, it is not about getting rid of it, but rather humble yourself in any situation, bringing your burdens and requests to God. God cares about your problems, and his word invites you to openly share with Him your struggles in waiting for his love and attention. With this renewed purpose, prayer becomes a safe place for the outpouring of hearts. Ultimately, prayer empowers your souls to speak. Prayer invites you to question and cry out to the One who is near and worthy of all praise. It is in the presence of God that you can bear pain fearlessly, knowing that God hears you, knows your need, and is willing to comfort you with His goodness and grace.

2. Prayer is a position of surrender: In addition to honest communication with your Creator, prayer is also an attitude of surrender. It is here, in the silence of your heart, that you humble yourself before the sovereign hand of God and hold fast to the promises that He has spoken to you through His word. You are learning to submit your will to your holy and loving Father. In this posture, you rediscover the freedom to submit to the sovereignty of your Saviour.

3. Prayer is a process of becoming more attuned to God’s Movement: As with any intentional relationship, when you spend time with God, you become more aware of how He works in and through your life. Prayer shapes you and prepares you to be more in tune with the melody of mercy and more aware of God's work in your heart. If you want to see how God works in and through you, you must begin by praying. As you turn your gaze to God daily and seek spiritual wisdom and understanding, you will feel the work of God in your heart and in the world around you.

4. Prayer is a practice of pursuing God’s Presence: The most important purpose of prayer is to seek to be in the presence of God. In moments of peace and silence, you learn to regulate and realign your souls so that they rest in the source of their power. So, whatever condition you may find yourself in, let you begin to pray in this way. May you learn to make prayer a safe place, and submit wholeheartedly to the will of your Saviour! May you gain endurance in the process of realizing God's movement and never stop chasing moments just to be in His presence!

5. Prayer is a way to show your love for God and a way to encourage others: God certainly doesn't need you to pray to accomplish His plans. He already has all the strength and power He needs. God created people to be in relationship with Him and with each other. He provided prayer as a tool for connection. Prayer reminds you of who God is and what He can do. This often leads to times of worship, and your praise pleases Him. Prayer makes you humble and aware of your need, and keeps your eyes fixed on God. And when you see Him respond to a request, that's cause for celebration.

6. Prayer is a way to confirm your trust in God: Scripture is clear that prayer is important. But have you ever wondered how effective it really is? When you see results, you may think that your prayers have made a difference. But when it seems that the request has remained unanswered, one can doubt. However, both of these assumptions use incorrect measurements. The power to create, correct, and heal comes only from God. When you are attuned to God, your prayers can lead to a greater manifestation of God's disposition and desires. And it can have a big impact in and around you. One of the qualities of God is an unchanging nature, and your prayers do not affect this. You must understand that, first of all, God wants people to repent and return to Him. In His grace, He is thrilled when He hears someone sincerely ask for that chance.

It is said that God never leaves a prayer unanswered. But His Word makes no guarantee that you will get everything you want. And sometimes His answer, or lack of it, seems to be "no" Whatever the reason, you must continue to seek God. You can start by honestly pouring out your feelings and thoughts to Him. Then you can decide what to do with your thing - either pick it up persistently or give it to the Lord. When you reach out to Him, even in your frustration, He will give you His peace while you wait. It is tempting to look for visible results to decide if your prayers are effective. Prayer has a rich purpose that goes beyond receiving. Prayer is not a question of changing things outwardly, but of working miracles in the inner being of man. God is the love that sustains the universe, the ocean of life and power that pervades all creation. Through the scientific methods of prayer, you can attune to this Infinite Power and bring healing to the body, mind, and spirit.