The aura is
the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body (human energy field)
and every creature and thing in the cosmos. The human energy field acts as a
set of electro-magnetic energies of varying densities that filter through and
release or exit from the physical body of a living being. These elements of
energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an egg-shaped field. This
"auric egg" emanates out of the body more or less 1 metre on average
on all sides. It spreads out above the head and below the feet into the earth.
Everything in the universe seems to be just a vibration. Even our thoughts and
consciousness are just vibrations. Aura is an electro-photonic vibration
response of an object to some external excitation.
The aura is a
manifestation of our true nature at any given moment. Our true nature is what
is left when we identify and abandon all our habits, stereotypes, manners,
pretending and apparent conduct and we become fully aware of truly natural and
artless. Some people are too attached to their manners and habits to discover
reality. The only technique to get a direct insight into their personality
seems to be by watching their aura, because the aura shows their true nature,
behind any concealment of superficial behaviour.
Kirlian, a famous Russian scientist, used an ultra-sensitive photographic
process to show a colourful energy field surrounding the physical forms of
human, animals and plants. It proves the fact that the energy body is an
outline which moulds the physical body. There is a correlation between energy
body and physical body. Energy body is the ‘cause’ while physical body is just
its ‘effect’. The universal life force interacts and restores a state of
balance between energy body and physical body. Energy body not only inhibits
our physical body but also extends out of the body forming ‘aura’. Aura is the
external manifestation of our energy body. On a Kirlian photograph, it can be
visualised. It gives reliable information about a person’s health.
It is quite
uniform and extensive in a good health. A shrunken aura is a sign of low
vitality and an uneven aura signifies existing or prospective illness. Thus
physical disease is secondary to energy imbalance. Dr. W.J. Killner explains in
“The human atmosphere” that there exists an energy body in human body which
stays free even after death. A simple experiment can be cited in support of
this claim. Shoot a photograph a leaf attached to a plant by using a Kirlian
camera. Its energy field is clearly visualised. Now cut the leaf off the plant
and throw it away and then once again photograph the plant. The energy field of
the leaf may still be seen to persist. The body of a creature, having a very
potent aura, works even after a limb is amputated. Sikh history presents a very
striking example of this fact. Baba Deep Singh kept on fighting even after his
head was cut off in battle field. His body without head had been in action. He
picked up his head with one of his hands and held a Khanda (Double-edged
sword) with other and took it to the periphery of Golden Temple. The bodies of
all the living beings including human-being is not only made of just tissues
and cells but there also exists a subtle energy body. The scientists call it
“The bio-plasma body”. It is well disciplined and functions automatically. It
creates its own magnetic field. It is mainly found in high intensity in brain.
Positive thoughts and emotions increase its intensity, while negative and low
thinking do the reverse. The bio-plasma is much active in the spinal-cord and
nerve-cells. Likewise, it is intense in the tips of fingers. It is recorded as
‘aura’ which is a kind of invisible radiation.
most important property of the aura seems to be the fact that it contains
information about the object. The aura is partly composed from electromagnetic
waves, spanning from microwave, infra-red (IR) to ultra violet (UV) light. The
low frequency microwave and infra-red part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to
be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body whereas high
frequency ultra violet part is more related to our conscious activity. The high
frequency ultra violet part is very important and most interesting but largely
unexplored. This part can be seen with naked eyes.
The aura
consists of seven layers bodies. Each one of the faint bodies that exists
around the physical body has its own distinctive frequency. They are
interrelated and have an effect on one another and the person's feelings,
emotions, thinking, behaviour and health as well. Therefore, a state of
imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of unevenness in others. Aura
around living objects changes with time, sometimes very quickly. Aura around
non-living object is essentially fixed, but can be changed by our conscious